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Word Games (by Gideon Levy, published Wednesday, 22 April 2009 06:42)
Lord have mercy: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has relinquished for the moment his demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as "a Jewish state" as a condition for negotiations. He has deigned to postpone the demand until future stages. Listen up, world: Perhaps, just perhaps, Netanyahu...
Piracy Off The Promised Land (by Dr. David Halpin, published Wednesday, 22 April 2009 06:31)
Piracy 1. the practice of attacking and robbing ships at sea Compact Oxford English Dictionary
The British have affection for Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta The Pirates of Penzance. These pirates are jolly rascals. No such description can be applied to the pirates of Somalia and even less to the...
Taxpayers, Where Is Your Money Going (by Michel Chossudovsky, published Wednesday, 22 April 2009 06:09)
Tax dollars are allocated to financing the war and the "bank bailout"
Source: Global Research
Iran's President Ahmadinejad spoke the truth... (by Redress Information Analysis, published Wednesday, 22 April 2009 05:04)
... and racist Israel's apologists turned their backs
Israel's racist discrimination against its Arab citizens is beyond doubt Today will go down as a historic day for everyone who cares about justice for the people of Palestine – the...
Stupid stunt to silence meaningful debate on racism (by Stuart Litlewood, published Wednesday, 22 April 2009 05:00)
The truth never suits Israel's flag-wavers and stooges. They have to twist it or strangulate it.
When Mr Ahmadjinedad got up to speak at the UN racism conference the British ambassador, Peter Gooderham, was among those who walked out in the worst show of diplomatic bad manners this century....
The Holocaust and Israeli occupation cannot be compared (by Gideon Levy, published Wednesday, 22 April 2009 04:47)
The Israeli soldiers played backgammon in their tent as a Palestinian ambulance stood waiting, its red lights flashing. The sight of the ambulance, holding an agonized woman, was not enough to cause any of the soldiers to take a break from their game.
Gird your blogs! (by Brad O'Leary, published Wednesday, 22 April 2009 04:42)
Under "Cybersecurity", Congress Will Be the Internet's Greatest Threat!
Gird your blogs, because if liberals in Congress get their way, President Obama will have sole discretionary authority to shut down the Internet or critical parts of the Internet should he feel his presidency is being tested....
Israeli Nazism is a clarion reality (by Khalid Amayreh, published Wednesday, 22 April 2009 04:15)
Dershowitz Barak Jews ought to deal with it, not deny it
Zionist supremacists from California to Occupied Jerusalem to Sydney are quite nervous these days as they watch many people around world getting themselves freed, slowly but definitely, from the shackles of Zionist ...
More Informatino on Alex Jones and his Jewish Wife Kelly Rebecca Nichols, AKA Violet Jones (by Curt Maynard, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 09:08)
Above, a photo of Alex Jones and his Jewish Wife Kelly Rebecca Nichols, AKA Violet Jones I release the following information, given to me by a reader identified only as Z.O.G., who was in fact the source of all the information I have thus far posted on my blog concerning Alex...
The Most Monsterous MEME in All History (by Phillip Marlowe, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 08:47)
An old Palestinian man walks past the cruel Zionist "separation" wall in Bethlehem, where Jesus Christ was born and who later fought the Pharisees' chains on the poor. The wall behind this old man sports a poster of a mocking Jew, probably a Khazar, from some French...
Australia's Orwellian 'Hate' Legistlation vs. Definat Dr. Fredrick Töben (by Dr. Fredrick Töben, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 08:38)
What Kind Of Truth Is It That Needs A Court Order To Be Protected Believed?
Holocaust researcher Fredrick Töben has been found guilty of criminal contempt of court - he declares he will go to jail rather than pay a fine.
"I do not feel guilty of having...
Putting Finance Capitalism 'Back in Its Box' (by Stephen Lendman, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 08:35)
So writes Philip Augar in an April 13 Financial Times (FT) op-ed. He's a former UK investment banker/broker and author of The Death of Gentlemanly Capitalism, The Greed Merchants, and most recently Chasing Alpha: How Reckless Growth and Unchecked Ambition Ruined the City's Golden Decade. More on...
Iran leader sparks walkout at UN over Israel (by Frank Jordans, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 08:31)
Dozens of Western diplomats walked out of a U.N. conference and a pair of rainbow-wigged protesters threw clown noses at Iran's president Monday when the hard-line leader called Israel the "most cruel and repressive racist regime."
Ahmadinejad Speech at UN Confernce on Anti-Racism (by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 08:25)
Full text of the speech of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the Durban Review Conference on racism in Geneva on April 20.
Mr. Chairman, honorable secretary general of the United Nations, honorable United Nations high commissioner for human rights,...
Ahmadinejad: Israel Is A Racist Country (by Jim Kirwan, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 08:17)
YES - and what he said is and was true, on all counts. The fact that the 'Western representatives' chose not to challenge or debate the issues, proves conclusively that the Iranian president was obviously correct in his allegations. The cowards that walked out of that meeting need...
Bilderbergers Are Criminals, Traitors According to U.S. Law (by American Free Press, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 08:04)
All Americans who participate in secret Bilderberg meetings are criminals and traitors. The Logan Act expressly forbids U.S. citizens to negotiate public policy with representatives of foreign governments. Thus, American officials and private citizens who participate are lawbreaking criminals.
Anti-Semitic as a Matter of Law (by Christopher Donovan, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 07:57)
John Sharpe is a conservative Catholic writer who runs the Legion of St. Louis and IHS Press. He is also an editor of the two Neo-Conned books condemning the neoconservative war in Iraq.
With a résumé like this, it's not surprising that Sharpe would run afoul of the thought police. ...
Like Vampires Running from the Rising Sun. . . (by Christopher Jon Bjerknes, published Tuesday, 21 April 2009 07:53)
Like vampires running from the rising sun, they turned their backs to the truth and scampered away, hobbling along like rabid wet rats to suck spittle and lick up the syrupy blood the Jews spill onto their stolen boots for "our leaders" to clean with filthy tongues and dirty deeds. The World is...
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