From: Education Research and Reviews <>
Date: Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 3:48 AM
Subject: Invitation to Review ERR-09-122
Dear Colleague,
My name is Dr. Ken Alston, Editor, Journal of Educational Research and Reviews.
We received a manuscript titled:
Declaration of a state of emergency in the Education sector as a panacea to the global economic meltdown: an evaluation report.
We will be most grateful if you could find time to review the manuscript. Please find the Abstract below:
The present state of educational institutions in Nigeria is a far cry from what used to obtain in the past. Factors such as poor implementation and lack of political will and continuity hinder the nation's educational progress. Budgetary allocations to the sector over the years show that education of the citizenry is not yet a priority. Crumbling infrastructures and poor funding are responsible for the bad learning environment experienced by Nigerian students. Non availability of laboratories, workshops and computers are the major challenges of the education sector. Libraries in the country have become warehouses for old books without truly offering researchers up-to-date information. Examination malpractice is a monster that has been set on the loose waxing in strength through organised syndicates that terrorise the nation's education system. High tuition fees impede access to quality tertiary education. The Nigeria political and economic climates and other operating environments are riddled with absolute corruption. This paper makes an attempt to proffer necessary panacea to the global economic meltdown by making a clarion call for declaration of state of emergency in the education sector that will evolve an education agenda that will, undoubtedly, provide room for national development.
Educational System, Evaluation, Emergency, Panacea, Recession or Meltdown
Also attached is the full manuscript, Instruction for author and reviewer's guide
Kindly send me a mail to acknowledge the receipt of the manuscript.
Best regards,
Dr. Ken Alston
Editor, Educational Research and Reviews
Palash Biswas
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