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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Fwd: [initiative-india] निमंत्रण: राष्ट्रीय परिवर्तन चिंतन बैठक - Strategy Meeting for Future Directions of Our Movements

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From: NAPM India <napmindia@napm-india.org>
Date: 2011/6/25
Subject: [initiative-india] निमंत्रण: राष्ट्रीय परिवर्तन चिंतन बैठक - Strategy Meeting for Future Directions of Our Movements


Where Do We Go From Here ?

Invitation to a Strategy Meeting on

Future Directions of Our Movements

July 3rd, Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm /

Centre of Science for Villages, Wardha, Maharashtra

(Hindi Invitation and Discussion Note attached)

The anti-corruption movement around the Jan Lokpal Bill manged to energise the various struggles going around in the country in different levels. Many who came on the street didn't come only because of the Lokpal but they were somewhere dissatisfied with the systemic corruption and other problems. Many of the democratic movements struggling for decades for democratic rights, securing justice and a dignified livelihood feel that this has brought to us a moment for wider political awakening in the country and hopefully the struggles against the corporate corruption, massive loot of natural resources and larger institutional corruption will gain strength from this.

In line with that there is also discussions around the fact that the energy generated from this agitation needs to be channelised and onus lies on the secular and democratic political forces of the country to mobilise it for a larger political reform in the country. It is with such an intention that a meeting was called to explore the future strategies on May 8th in Delhi and then similar consultations have been held by many others in past month or so.

We would like to invite you for a day long meeting to discuss future alliance processes and strategies for coordinated actions in times to come. Let us sit together to see if we can create a larger, wider, diverse, plural but all-encompassing alternative political / social and economic movement nurturing a kind of peoples' power which rejects the present power politics and its accessory exploitative systems and march towards a greater unity and bonding.

Let us meet to come together inspite of our immediate commitments, campaigns to sit and strategise. If we achieve this, innumerable people who want to see the transformation to happen will come forward to lend a helping hand from different section of the society. Together, we shall reach the farmers, workers, dalits, adivasis, women and men, young and old all across in rural and urban areas. We do hope you will be able to join us for this important meeting. Please do reply and confirm your participation.

We have made arrangements for stay there and if you reach on July 2nd night then let us know before hand. We have also attached a small note at the end of it for your reflections and thoughts.

Warm Regards,

Medha Patkar, Sandeep Pandey, Swami Agnivesh, Prof. Ajit Jha, Dr. Sunilam, Amarnathbhai, Rakesh Rafiq, Gabriele Dietrich, Sister Celia, Prafulla Samantra,  Vilas Bhongade and many others....

For more details call Suniti S R - 09423571784

                                         Madhuresh Kumar 9818905316

The venue is Centre of science for villages, kumarappapuram, near dattapur, wardha nagpur road, wardha. from station it is 7-8 kms. share rickshaws go there or 60 Rs for hire autos.

Narmada Bachao Andolan,
Narmada-Ashish, Off Kasravad Road,
Navalpura, Badwani,
Madhya Pradesh – 451551
Ph: 07290-291464; Fax: 07290-222549
E-mail: medha.narmada@gmail.com ;

National Alliance of People's Movements
National Office: Room No. 29-30, 1st floor, 'A' Wing, Haji Habib Bldg, Naigaon Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 400 014;

6/6, Jangpura B, Mathura Road, New Delhi - 110014
Phone : 011 26241167 / 2435 4737
E-mail: napmindia@gmail.com  | napmindia@napm-india.org
Web : www.napm-india.org

National Alliance of People's Movements
National Office: Room No. 29-30, 1st floor, 'A' Wing, Haji Habib Bldg, Naigaon Cross Road, Dadar (E), Mumbai - 400 014;
Ph: 022-24150529

6/6, Jangpura B, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110014
Phone : 011 26241167 / 24354737 Mobile : 09818905316

E-mail: napmindia@gmail.com | napm@napm-india.org
Web : www.napm-india.org

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Palash Biswas
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