
ডেস্ক: কেমন আছেন বিতর্কিত লেখিকা তসলিমা নাসরিন? প্রায় দেড় যুগের মতো তিনি স্বেচ্ছায় নির্বাসনে। বিদেশে বসেও থামেনি তার লেখালেখি। পেয়েছেন কলকাতার আনন্দ পুরস্কারসহ বিশ্বের অনেক পুরস্কার। আগের মতো লিখতে পারছেন না বা লিখছেন না। 'উতল হাওয়া', 'আমার মেয়ে বেলা', 'ভ্রমর কইও যাইয়া', বা 'ক' -এর মতো বই আর আসছে না। আগের মতো কাব্যও নেই, কবিতাও না। একাধিক স্বামী ও একাধিক পুরুষের সাথে তার দেহজ সম্পর্কের কথা তো তিনি বেশ রসিয়ে লিখেছেন। কিন্তু আজকাল বয়সের কারণে নারী হিসেবে আর এই সম্পর্ক অব্যাহত রাখা সম্ভব হচ্ছে না।
এখন তিনি হতাশ, চোখের নিচে কালি পড়েছে, চামড়ায় বয়সের চাপ, শরীরের মধ্যে নানারকম ব্যথাতো আছেই। একাকিত্ব তাকে আরও পঙ্গু করে দিচ্ছে। এমনি অবস্থায় বিদেশের কোথাও থিতু হতেও পারছেন না। দেশে ফেরাও তার জন্য দিন দিন কঠিন হয়ে গেছে। যেই মৌলবাদীদের ভয়ে তিনি দেশ ছেড়েছিলেন, সেই ভয় এখনও তাকে তাড়িয়ে মারছে।
প্রশ্ন: আপনার কাছে একটা প্রশ্ন। এই যে লেখালেখি করলেন, এর মূল উদ্দেশ্য কি ছিল, দেহের স্বাধীনতা না চিন্তার স্বাধীনতা?
তসলিমা: প্রশ্নটা আপেক্ষিক। আসলে আমিতো পেশায় ছিলাম চিকিৎসক। আমার বাবা চেয়েছিলেন তার মতো হতে। আমিও অধ্যাপক ডা. রজব আলীর মতো একজন খ্যাতিমান চিকিৎসক হই। শৈশবে, কৈশোর এবং যৌবনে আমি অনুভব করি, নারীরা আমাদের সমাজে ক্রীতদাসীর মতো। পুরুষরা তাদের ভোগ্যপণ্যের মতো ব্যবহার করে। এ কারণেই বিষয়গুলো নিয়ে প্রথমে লেখালেখির কথা ভাবি।
প্রশ্ন: স্বাধীনতার দাবিতে কি আপনার এই লড়াই?
তাসলিমা: আমি প্রথমত নারীর জরায়ুর স্বাধীনতার দাবি তুলি। একজন পুরুষ যখন চাইবে, তখনই তার মনোস্কামনা পূর্ণ করতে ছুটে যেতে হবে। এটা তো হতে পারে না। অথচ তখন ছুটে না গেলে জীবনের সব পূণ্য নাকি শেষ হয়ে যাবে। চিন্তার স্বাধীনতা না থাকলে ভালো লেখক হওয়া যায় না। দেহের স্বাধীনতার বিষয়টা গৌণ। তবে একেবারে ফেলনা নয়। পুরুষই একচেটিয়া মজা লুটবে, নারী শুধু ভোগবাদীদের কাছে পুতুলের মতো হয়ে থাকবে, এটা মেনে নিতে পারিনি।
প্রশ্ন: আপনি পরিকল্পিতভাবে নিজেকে আলোচিত করে তোলেন। আজ বাংলা সাহিত্যে বা বাংলাদেশের সাহিত্য জগতে আপনি তো চরমভাবে অবহেলিত।
তাসলিমা: আমি একটা আলোড়ন সৃষ্টি করেছি। সত্য কথা সাহিত্যে অনেকের জন্য কষ্টদায়ক হয়। আমি আমার বহু স্বামী ও ভোগ্য পুরুষদের নামধাম প্রকাশ করে দেয়ায় অনেক বন্ধু আমাকে এড়িয়ে চলেন। বাংলা সাহিত্যের অনেক দামি দামি পুরুষও চান না যে আমি দেশে ফিরি। এক সময় আমার বিপক্ষে ছিল কট্টর মৌলবাদীরা। এখন প্রগতিশীল অনেক সাহিত্যিকও বিপক্ষে। কারণ এদের নষ্ট মুখোশ আমি খুলে দিয়েছি।
প্রশ্ন: আপনি চিকিৎসক থাকলেই ভালো করতেন। মিডিয়াতে কেন এলেন? সাহিত্যেই বা কেন?
তাসলিমা: আমি নারীর অধিকার নিয়ে ভেবেছি। কিন্তু এখন মনে হয় আমি মানবিকভাবে আশ্রয়হীন। আর এ কারণেই আমি অন্য স্রোতে সুখ খুঁজেছি। পরিবার হারালাম, স্বামী সন্তান হলো না, ঘর-সংসার হলো না। তখন দৈহিক সম্পর্কে নেশাগ্রস্ত না থেকে আর কোনো পথ খোলা ছিলো না।
প্রশ্ন: এখন আপনি কী চান?
তাসলিমা: অনেক কিছু। আমার হারিয়ে যাওয়া জীবন, যৌবন, ভোগ-উপভোগ, স্বামী-সন্তান, পরিবার-পরিজন। কিন্তু দিতে পারবেন কি? আজ আমি নিজ দেশের কাউকে দেখলে কুণ্ঠিত ও লজ্জিত হই। খ্যাতি, অর্থ, পুরস্কার সবই আছে, তবুও মনে হয় আমি ভীষণ পরাজিত। দিনে হইচই করে কাটাই, রাত হলে একাকিত্ব পেয়ে বসে। আগের মতো পুরুষদের নিয়ে রাতকে উপভোগ করার মতো শরীর মন কোনোটাই নেই।
প্রশ্ন: এখন কেমন পুরুষ বন্ধু আছে?
তাসলিমা: এক সময় অনেক ব্যক্তিত্ববানদের পেছনে আমি ঘুরেছি। ব্যক্তিত্বহীনরা আমার পেছনে পেছনে ঘুরেছে। আজকাল আর সুখের পায়রাদের দেখি না। মনে হয় নিজেই নিজেকে নষ্ট করেছি। পরিচিত হয়েছি নষ্ট নারী, নষ্টা চরিত্রের মেয়ে হিসেবে। লেখালেখি করে তাই এসব পুরুষদের উপর আমার রাগ, ঘৃণা ও অবহেলাকে প্রকাশ করেছি। যৌনতার রানী হিসেবে প্রকাশিত হলাম, অথচ এই রানীর কোনো রাজাও নেই প্রজাও নেই। এই জন্য আজ হতাশায় নিমজ্জিত আমি।
প্রশ্ন: ধর্ম-কর্ম করেন?
তাসলিমা: মাঝেমধ্যে মনে হয় সব ছেড়ে নামাজ-রোজা করি, তাওবা করে আল্লাহর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করি। কম্যুনিস্টরাও তো এক সময় বদলে যায়। আমার জন্ম ১২ ই রবিউল আউয়াল, মহানবীর জন্মদিনে। নানী বলেছিলেন, আমার নাতনী হবে পরহেজগার। সেই আমি হলাম বহু পুরুষভোগ্য একজন ধর্মকর্মহীন নারী। বলা তো যায় না, মানুষ আর কত দিন বাঁচে। আমার মা ছিলেন পীরের মুরীদ। আমিও হয়ত একদিন বদলে যাবো।
প্রশ্ন: বিয়ে-টিয়ে করবার ইচ্ছে আছে কি?
তাসলিমা: এখন বিয়ে করে কি করবো? পুরুষটিই বা আমার মধ্যে কি পাবে? সবই পড়ন্ত বেলায়। যে বিয়ে করবে, সে যদি আমার মধ্যে যৌন সুখ না চায়, সন্তান না চায়, এমন মানব পেলে হয়ত একজনকে সঙ্গী করার কথা ভাবতেও পারি।
প্রশ্ন: আপনি কি একেবারে পুরিয়ে গেছেন?
তাসলিমা: না, তা ঠিক নয়। তবে পুরুষতো শত বছরেও নারীকে সন্তান দেয়। মেয়েরা তো পারে না। আমার এখনও রজস্রাব বন্ধ হয়নি। মেশিনারি ঠিক আছে। তবে নতুন বা আনকোরাতো নয়, লক্কর ঝক্কর মেশিনারির মতো আরকি? পুরুষদেরও বয়স বাড়লে খাই খাই বেড়ে যায়। এতটা মেটানো তো আর এই বয়সে সম্ভব হবে না।
প্রশ্ন: বয়স বাড়লে পুরুষেদের সেক্স বাড়ে এটা কিভাবে বুঝলেন?
তাসলিমা: কত বুড়ো, মাঝ বয়েসী ও প্রবীণ বন্ধুদের নিয়ে দেহজ খেলায় মেতেছি, এটা আমার জীবনের অভিজ্ঞতা থেকেই বলছি।
প্রশ্ন: রাত যখন বিশ্বকে গ্রাস করে, আপনার ঘুম আসছে না- তখন আপনার বেশি করে কি মনে পড়ে?
তাসলিমা: খুব বেশি মনে পড়ে আমার প্রথম প্রেম, প্রথম স্বামী, প্রয়াত কবি রুদ্র মুহাম্মদ শহীদুল্লাহকে। অনেক কাঁদি তার জন্য। পেয়েও হারালাম তাকে। রাগ হয়েছিল বিয়ের রাতেই। আমি তো ডাক্তার তার পুরুষদণ্ডে ক্ষত দেখি। বুঝতে পেরেছিলাম যাকে জীবন দিয়ে ভালবাসি, সে বেশ্যাবাড়ি যায়। সিপিলিস-গনোরিয়ায় আক্রান্ত সে। তবু তাকে বলি, আজ বাসর রাতে যৌনকেলি হবে না। তোমার শরীরে রোগ। এখন আমার শরীরে তুমি ঢুকলে আমিও এ রোগে আক্রান্ত হবো। তোমাকে সুস্থ করে তুলবো, তারপর হবে আমাদের আনন্দ বাসর। কিন্তু পুরুষতো জোর করতে চাইলো, ব্যর্থ হয়ে চলে গেলো পতিতার বুকেই।
প্রশ্ন: অন্য স্বামীদের কথা মনে পড়ে না?
তাসলিমা: তারা এমন উল্লেখযোগ্য কেউ নন। তাদের মুরোদ আমি দেখেছি। তার চেয়ে বহু বন্ধুর মধ্যে আমি দেখেছি, কেমন উন্মত্ত তেজ। ওদের স্মৃতি মনে পড়ে মাঝে মধ্যে।
প্রশ্ন: দেশে ফিরবেন না?
তাসলিমা: দেশই আমাকে ফিরতে দেবে না। আর কোথায় যাবো? বাবা-মা-ভাই-বোন সবাইকে আমি লেখাতে জবাই করে দিয়েছি। আসলে নেশাগ্রস্তই ছিলাম, অনেক কিছু বুঝিনি। আজ আত্মীয়-স্বজনও আমাকে ঘৃণা করে। মরার পর লাশ নিয়ে চিন্তা থাকে, আমার নেই। যে কোন পরীক্ষাগারে দেহটা ঝুলবে। ছাত্রদের কাজে লাগবে।
-আজকের সূর্যোদয়
Taslima Nasrin
Taslima Nasrin | |
![]() Taslima Nasrin speaking at the 2012 European Atheist Convention | |
Born | 25 August 1962 Mymensingh, East Pakistan (now in Bangladesh) |
Occupation | poet, columnist, novelist |
Citizenship | Bangladesh, Sweden |
Period | 1973 – present |
Subjects | Humanism |
Literary movement | Women's rights, Human rights, Secular movements |
Signature | ![]() |
taslimanasrin.com |
Taslima Nasrin (Bengali: তসলিমা নাসরিন) (also Taslima Nasreen), born 25 August 1962, is a Bengali author and former physician who has lived in exile since 1994. From a modest literary profile in the late 1980s, she rose to global fame by the end of the 20th century owing to her feminist views and her criticism of Islam in particular and of religion in general.
Since fleeing Bangladesh in 1994, she has lived in many countries;[1] as of June 2011 she lives in New Delhi.[2] She works to build support for secular humanism, freedom of thought,equality for women, and human rights by publishing, lecturing, and campaigning.
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Early career [edit]
She was born to Rajab Ali and Idul Ara in the town of Mymensingh in 1962. Her father was a physician, and she followed in his footsteps. She later revealed in her autobiography Amar Meyebela that as a child she was physically abused by her parents and molested by two of her uncles.[3]
After high school in 1976 (SSC) and higher secondary studies in college (HSC) in 1978, she studied medicine at the Mymensingh Medical College an affiliated medical college of the University of Dhaka and graduated in 1984 with an MBBS degree;[4] in college, she showed a propensity for poetry by writing as well as editing a poetry journal Shenjuti After graduation, she practiced gynaecology at a family planning clinic in Mymensingh,[5] "where she routinely examined young girls who had been raped,"[6] and heard women in the delivery room cry out in despair if their baby was a girl.[7] She was reassigned in 1990 to work in Dhaka.[5] Born into a Muslim family she became an atheist over time.[8] In course of writing she took a feminist approach [9]
Literary career until Lajja [edit]
Early in her literary career, she wrote mainly poetry, and published half a dozen collections of poetry between 1982 and 1993, often with female oppression as a theme, and often containing very graphic language.[7] She started publishing prose in the early 1990s, and produced three collections of essays and four novels before the publication of her 1993 novel Lajja (Bengali: লজ্জা Lôjja), or Shame, in which a Hindu family is persecuted by Muslims. This publication changed her life and career dramatically.
Following the publication of Lajja, Nasrin suffered a number of physical and other attacks. She had written against Islamic philosophy, angering many Muslims of Bangladesh, who called for a ban on her novel. In October 1993, an Islamic fundamentalist group called the Council of Islamic Soldiers offered a bounty for her death.[7][10] In May 1994 she was interviewed by the Kolkata edition of The Statesman, which quoted her as calling for a revision of the Quran; she claims she only called for revision of the Sharia, the Islamicreligious law.[5] In August 1994 she was brought up on "charges of making inflammatory statements," and faced death threats fromIslamic fundamentalists and religious Muslims. A major religious organization claims her to be a "paid agent" of anti-islamists.[citation needed] A hundred thousand demonstrators called her "an apostate appointed by imperial forces to vilify Islam"; a "militant faction threatened to set loose thousands of poisonous snakes in the capital unless she was executed."[11] After spending two months in hiding, at the end of 1994 she escaped to Sweden, consequently ceasing her medical practice and becoming a full-time writer and activist.[12]
Life in exile [edit]
After fleeing Bangladesh in 1994, Nasrin spent the next ten years in exile in the West. She returned to the east and relocated to Kolkata, India, in 2004, where she lived until 2007. After renewed unrest broke out, and after spending several months in hiding, Nasrin left for the West again in 2008.
1994–2004, exile in the West [edit]
Leaving Bangladesh towards the end of 1994, Nasrin lived in exile in Western Europe and North America for ten years. Her Bangladeshi passport had been revoked; she was grantedcitizenship by the Swedish government and took refuge in Germany.[13] She even had to wait for six years (1994–1999) to get a visa to visit India, and never got a Bangladeshi passport to return to the country when her mother,[13] and later her father,[citation needed] were on their death beds.
In March 2000, she visited Mumbai to promote a translation of her novel Shodh (translated by Marathi author Ashok Shahane, the book was called Phitam Phat). Secular groups seized upon the occasion to celebrate freedom of expression, while "Muslim fundamentalist groups...threatened to burn her alive."[14]
2004–2007, life in Kolkata [edit]
In 2004, she was granted a renewable temporary residential permit by India and moved to Kolkata in the state of West Bengal, which shares a common heritage and language with Bangladesh; in an interview in 2007, after she had been forced to flee, she called Kolkata her home.[15] The government of India extended her visa to stay in the country on a periodic basis, though it refused to grant her Indian citizenship. While living in Kolkata, Nasrin regularly contributed to Indian newspapers and magazines, including Anandabazar Patrikaand Desh, and, for some time, wrote a weekly column in the Bengali version of The Statesman. Again her anti-Islam comments met with opposition from religious fundamentalists: in 2006, Syed Noorur Rehaman Barkati, the imam of Kolkata's Tipu Sultan Mosque, admitted offering money to anyone who "blackened [that is, publicly humiliated] Ms Nasreen's face."[16] Even abroad she caused controversy: in 2005, she tried to read an anti-war poem titled "America" to a large Bengali crowd at the North American Bengali Conference at Madison Square Garden in New York City, and was booed off the stage.[17] Back in India, the "All India Muslim Personal Board (Jadeed)" offered 500,000 rupees for her beheading in March 2007. The group's president, Tauqir Raza Khan, said the only way the bounty would be lifted was if Nasrin "apologises, burns her books and leaves."[18]
Expulsion from Kolkata [edit]
On August 9, 2007, Nasrin was in Hyderabad to present the Telugu translation of one of her novels, Shodh, when she was attacked by a mob of violent intruders, led by legislators from the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen, a Muslim political party.[19][20] A week later, on August 17, Muslim leaders in Kolkata revived an old fatwa against her, urging her to leave the country and offering an unlimited amount of money to anybody who would kill her.[21] On November 21, Kolkata witnessed a violent protest against Nasrin by Muslims. A protest organized by the militant islamist "All India Minority Forum" caused chaos in the city and forced the army's deployment to restore order.[22] After the riots, Nasrin was forced to move from Kolkata, her "adopted city,"[23] to Jaipur, and to New Delhi the following day.[24][25][26]
House arrest in New Delhi [edit]
The government of India kept Nasrin in an undisclosed location in New Delhi, effectively under house arrest, for more than seven months.[27] In January 2008, she was selected for the Simone de Beauvoir award in recognition of her writing on women's rights,[28] but declined to go to Paris to receive the award, fearing that she would not be allowed to re-enter India.[29] She explained that "I don't want to leave India at this stage and would rather fight for my freedom here,"[30] but she had to be hospitalized for three days with several complaints.[31] The house arrest quickly acquired an international dimension: in a letter to London-based human rights organisationAmnesty International, India's former foreign secretary Muchkund Dubey urged the organization to pressure the Indian government so Nasrin could safely return to Kolkata.[32]
From New Delhi, Nasrin commented: "I'm writing a lot, but not about Islam, It's not my subject now. This is about politics. In the last three months I have been put under severe pressure to leave [West] Bengal by the police."[6] In an email interview from the undisclosed safehouse, Nasrin talked about the stress caused by "this unendurable loneliness, this uncertainty and this deathly silence." She canceled the publication of the sixth part of her autobiography Nei Kichu Nei ("No Entity"), and—under pressure—deleted some passages from Dwikhondito, the controversial book that was the boost for the riots in Kolkata.[33] She was forced to leave India on March 19, 2008.
Move to Sweden and New Delhi [edit]
Nasrin moved to Sweden in 2008 and later worked as a research scholar at New York University.[34] Since, as she claims, "her soul lived in India," she also pledged her body to that country, by awarding it for posthumous medical use to Gana Darpan, a Kolkata-basedNGO, in 2005.[35] She eventually returned to India, but was forced to stay in New Delhi as the West Bengal government refused to permit her entry.
Literary works [edit]
Nasrin started writing poetry when she was thirteen. While still at college in Mymensingh, she published and edited a literary magazine,SeNjuti ("Light in the dark"), from 1978 to 1983. She published her first collection of poems in 1986. Her second collection, Nirbashito Bahire Ontore ("Banished within and without") was published in 1989. She succeeded in attracting a wider readership when she started writing columns in late 1980s, and, in the early 1990s, she began writing novels, for which she has won significant acclaim.[23] In all, she has written more than thirty books of poetry, essays, novels, short stories, and memoirs, and her books have been translated into 20 different languages.
Her own experience of sexual abuse during adolescence and her work as a gynaecologist influenced her a great deal in writing about the treatment of women in Islam and against religion in general.[6] Her writing is characterized by two connected elements: her struggle with the Islam of her native culture, and her feminist philosophy. She cites Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir as influences, and, when pushed to think of one closer to home, Begum Rokeya, who lived during the time of undivided Bengal.[36] Her later poetry also evidences a connection to place, to Bangladesh and India.[37]
Columns and essays [edit]
In 1989 Nasrin began to contribute to the weekly political magazine Khaborer Kagoj, edited by her second husband, Nayeemul Islam Khan, and published from Dhaka. Her feminist views and anti-religion remarks articles succeeded in drawing broad attention, and she shocked the religious and conservative society of Bangladesh by her radical comments and suggestions.[citation needed] Later she collected these columns in a volume titled Nirbachita Column, which in 1992 won her first Ananda Purashkar award, a prestigious award for Bengali writers. During her life in Kolkata, she contributed a weekly essay to the Bengali version of The Statesman, calledDainik Statesman.
Novels [edit]
In 1992 Nasrin produced two novellas which failed to draw attention.
Her breakthrough novel Lajja (Shame) was published in 1993, and attracted wide attention because of its controversial subject matter. It contained the struggle of a patriotic Bangladeshi Hindu family in a Muslim environment.[38][39] Initially written as a thin documentary,Lajja grew into a full-length novel as the author later revised it substantially. In six months' time, it sold 50,000 copies in Bangladesh before being banned by the government that same year.[38]
Her other famous novel is French Lover, published in 2002.
Autobiography [edit]
Her memoirs are renowned for their candidness, which has led to a number of them being banned in Bangladesh and India. Amar Meyebela (My Girlhood, 2002), the first volume of her memoir, was banned by the Bangladeshi government in 1999 for "reckless comments" against Islam and the prophet Mohammad.[40] Utal Hawa (Wild Wind), the second part of her memoir, was banned by the Bangladesh government in 2002.[41] Ka (Speak up), the third part of her memoir, was banned by the Bangladeshi High Court in 2003. Under pressure from Indian Muslim activists, the book, which was published in West Bengal as Dwikhandita, was banned there also; some 3,000 copies were seized immediately.[42] The decision to ban the book was criticized by "a host of authors" in West Bengal,[43]but the ban wasn't lifted until 2005.[44][45] Sei Sob Ondhokar Din guli (Those Dark Days), the fourth part of her memoir, was banned by the Bangladesh government in 2004.[46][47]
She received her second Ananda Purashkar award in 2000, for her memoir Amar Meyebela (My Girlhood, published in English in 2002).
Nasrin's life and works in adaptation [edit]
Nasrin's life is the subject of a number of plays and songs, in the east and the west. The Swedish singer Magoria sang "Goddess in you, Taslima,"[48] and the French band Zebda composed "Don't worry, Taslima" as a homage.[49]
Her work has been adapted for TV and even turned into music. Jhumur was a 2006 TV serial based on a story written especially for the show.[50] Bengali singers like Fakir Alamgir, Samina Nabi, Rakhi Sen sang her songs.[citation needed] Steve Lacy, the jazz soprano saxophonist, met Nasrin in 1996 and collaborated with her on an adaptation of her poetry to music. The result, a "controversial" and "compelling" work called The Cry, was performed in Europe and North America.[51] Initially, Nasrin was to recite during the performance, but these recitations were dropped after the 1996 Berlin world premiere because of security concerns.[52]
Writers and intellectuals for and against Nasrin [edit]
Nasrin has been criticized by writers and intellectuals in both Bangladesh and West Bengal for targeted scandalization. Because of "obnoxious, false and ludicrous" comments in Ka, "written with the 'intention to injure the reputation of the plaintiff'", Syed Shamsul Haq, Bangladeshi poet and novelist, filed a defamation suit against Nasrin in 2003. In the book, she mentions that Haq confessed to her that he had had a relationship with his sister-in-law.[53] A West Bengali poet, Hasmat Jalal, did the same; his suit led to the High Court banning the book, which was published in India as Dwikhondito.[54]
Nearly 4 million dollars were claimed in defamation lawsuits against Nasrin by fellow writers in Bangladesh and West Bengal after the publication of Ka / Dwikhandita. Writer Sunil Gangopadhyay, with 24 other intellectuals pressured the West Bengal government to ban Nasrin's book in 2003.[55] Taslima answered why she wrote about known people without their permission when some commented that she did it to earn fame. Taslima defended herself against all the allegations. She wrote why she dared not to hide her sexual relations,[56] she said that she wrote her life's story, not others'. Yet Nasrin enjoyed support of Bengali writers and intellectuals likeAnnada Shankar Ray, Sibnarayan Ray and Amlan Dutta.[57]
Recently she was supported and defended by personalities such as author Mahasweta Devi, theater director Bibhas Chakrabarty, poetJoy Goswami, artist Prakash Karmakar and Paritosh Sen.[58] In India, noted writers Arundhati Roy, Girish Karnad, and many others defended her when she was under house arrest in Delhi in 2007, and co-signed a statement calling on the Indian government to grant her permanent residency in India or, should she ask for it, citizenship.[59] In Bangladesh Kabir Chaudhury (writer and philosopher)[60]also supported her strongly.
Awards [edit]
![]() | This section needs additional citations for verification. (October 2009) |
Taslima has received a number of international awards in recognition of her uncompromising demand for freedom of expression. Awards and Honours given to her include the following:
- Ananda literary Award, India, 1992
- Natyasava Award, Bangladesh, 1992
- Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thoughts from the European Parliament, 1994
- Human Rights Award from the Government of France,[61] 1994
- Edict of Nantes Prize from France,[62] 1994
- Kurt Tucholsky Prize, Swedish PEN, Sweden, 1994[7]
- Hellman-Hammett Grant from Human Rights Watch, USA, 1994
- Humanist Award from Human-Etisk Forbund, Norway, 1994
- Feminist of the Year from Feminist Majority Foundation,[63] USA, 1994
- Honorary Doctorate from Ghent University, Belgium, 1995
- Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service,[64] Germany, 1995
- Monismanien Prize from Uppsala University, Sweden, 1995
- Distinguished Humanist Award from International Humanist and Ethical Union,[65] Great Britain, 1996
- Humanist Laureate from International Academy for Humanism, USA, 1996
- Ananda literary Award, India, 2000
- Global Leader for Tomorrow, World Economic Forum, 2000
- Erwin Fischer Award, International League of non-religious and atheists (IBKA),[66] Germany, 2002
- Freethought Heroine Award, Freedom From Religion Foundation,[67] USA, 2002
- Fellowship at Carr Centre for Human Rights Policy,[68] John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA, 2003
- UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence,[69] 2004
- Honorary Doctorate from American University of Paris, 2005[70]
- Grand Prix International Condorcet-Aron,[71] 2005[72]
- Sharatchandra literary award, West Bengal, India, 2006
- Honorary citizenship of Paris, France, 2008
- Simone de Beauvoir Prize, 2008
- Fellowship at New York University, USA, 2009
- Woodrow Wilson Fellowship,[73] USA, 2009
- Feminist Press award, USA,[74] 2009
Bibliography [edit]
Books by Taslima Nasrin [edit]
Poetry [edit]
- Shikore Bipul Khudha (Hunger in the Roots), 1982
- Nirbashito Bahire Ontore (Banished Without and Within), 1989
- Amar Kichu Jay Ashe Ne (I Couldn't Care Less), 1990
- Atole Ontorin (Captive In the Abyss), 1991
- Balikar Gollachut (Game of the Girls), 1992
- Behula Eka Bhashiyechilo Bhela (Behula Floated the Raft Alone), 1993
- Ay Kosto Jhepe, Jibon Debo Mepe (Pain Come Roaring Down, I'll Measure Out My Life for You), 1994
- Nirbashito Narir Kobita (Poems From Exile), 1996
- Jolpodyo (Waterlilies), 2000
- Khali Khali Lage (Feeling Empty), 2004
- Kicchukhan Thako (Stay For A While), 2005
- Bhalobaso? Cchai baso (It's your love! or a heap of trash!), 2007
- Bondini (Prisoner), 2008
Essay collections [edit]
- Nirbachito Column (Selected Columns), 1990
- Jabo na keno? jabo (I will go; why won't I?), 1991
- Noshto meyer noshto goddo (Fallen prose of a fallen girl), 1992
- ChoTo choTo dukkho kotha (Tale of trivial sorrows), 1994
- Narir Kono Desh Nei (Women have no country), 2007
Novels [edit]
- Oporpokkho (The Opponent), 1992.
- Shodh, 1992. ISBN 978-81-88575-05-3. Trans. in English as Getting Even.
- Nimontron (Invitation), 1993.
- Phera (Return), 1993.
- Lajja, 1993. ISBN 978-0-14-024051-1. Trans. in English as Shame.
- Bhromor Koio Gia (Tell Him The Secret), 1994.
- Forashi Premik (French Lover), 2002.
- Shorom (Shame Again), 2009.
Short stories [edit]
- Dukkhoboty meye (Sad girls), 1994
- Minu, 2007
Autobiography [edit]
- Amar Meyebela (My Girlhood), 1999 (ISBN 978-1586420512)
- Utal Hawa (Wild Wind), 2002
- Ka (Speak Up), 2003; published in West Bengal as Dwikhondito (Split-up in Two), 2003
- Sei Sob Andhokar (Those Dark Days), 2004
- Ami Bhalo Nei, Tumi Bhalo Theko Priyo Desh ("I am not okay, but you stay well my beloved homeland"), 2006.
- Nei, Kichu Nei ( Nothing is there), 2010
- Nirbasan ( Exile), 2012
Titles in English [edit]
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā (2005). All About Women. New Delhi: Rupa & Co. ISBN 81-291-0630-2.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Kabir Chowdhury (trans.) (1997). 100 poems of Taslima Nasreen. Dhaka: Ananya. ISBN 984-412-043-8.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Carolyne Wright (trans.) (c1995). The Game in Reverse: Poems. New York: George Braziller. ISBN 0-8076-1391-6.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Rani Ray (trans.) (2005). Homecoming. New Delhi: Srishti Publishers. ISBN 81-88575-55-0. Trans. of Phera.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā (1994). Shame. New Delhi: Penguin. ISBN 0-14-024051-9. Trans. of Lajja.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Carolyne Wright (trans.) (1992). Light Up at Midnight: Selected Poems. Dhaka: Biddyaprakash. ISBN 984-422-008-4.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Ashim Chowdhury (trans.) (c2005). Love poems of Taslima Nasreen. New Delhi: Rupa & Co. ISBN 81-291-0628-0.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Gopa Majumdar (trans.) (2002). My Bengali Girlhood. South Royalton: Steerforth Press. ISBN 1-58642-051-8.Trans. of Meyebela
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Gopa Majumdar (trans.) (2001). My Girlhood: An Autobiography. New Delhi: Kali for Women. ISBN 81-86706-33-X.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Debjani Sengupta (trans.) (2004). Selected Columns. New Delhi: Srishti Publishers. ISBN 81-88575-28-3.Trans. of Tasalimā Nāsarinera nirācita kalāma.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Kankabati Datta (trans.) (1997). Shame: A Novel. Amherst: Prometheus Books. ISBN 1-57392-165-3.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Rani Ray (trans.) (2003). Shodh: Getting Even. New Delhi: Srishti Publishers. ISBN 81-88575-05-4.
- Nāsarina, Tasalimā; Nandini Guh (trans.) (2006). Wild Wind: My Stormy Youth, an Autobiography. New Delhi: Srishti Publishers.ISBN 81-88575-85-2.
Secondary works [edit]
- Garzilli, Enrica (1997). "A Non-Conventional Woman: Two Evenings with Taslima Nasrin. A Report". Journal of South Asia Women Studies (Milan: Asiatica Association) 3 (1). ISSN 1084-7478. Includes an interview with and two unpublished poems by Nasrin.
- Zafar, Manmay (2005). "Under the gaze of the state: policing literature and the case of Taslima Nasrin". Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 6(3): 410–21. doi:10.1080/14649370500170035. ISSN 1469-8447.
See also [edit]
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References [edit]
- ^ Chazan, David (1999-01-26). "World: South Asia: Taslima goes back into exile". BBC. Retrieved 2009-05-28.
- ^ "I am a Bengali writer, I need to live in Bengal" Open the Magazine, 2011-June-1
- ^ Nasrin, Taslima (1998). Meyebela: My Bengali Girlhood. Steerforth Press. pp. 94–95. ISBN 1-58642-051-8.
- ^ "Taslima Nasrin". English.emory.edu. Retrieved 2010-12-14.
- ^ a b c "Nasrin Sahak, Taslima: Bangladeshi author". Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved 2009-05-28.
- ^ a b c "Bangladeshi Writer Taslima Nasrin Speaks from Hiding: 'Condemned to Life as an Outsider'". The Guardian (London). 2007-11-30. Retrieved 2009-05-28.
- ^ a b c d Targett, Simon (1995-02-24). "She who makes holy men fume". Times Higher Education. Retrieved 2009-06-01.
- ^ She described herself as a delegate of the NGO International Humanist and Ethical Union at Commission V of UNESCO's General Conference: "I was born in a Muslim family, but I became an atheist." Nasreen, Taslima (1999-11-12). "For freedom of expression".UNESCO. Retrieved 2009-05-28.
- ^ O'Connor, Ashling (2007-11-30). "Feminist author rewrites novel after death threats from Muslim extremists". The Times (London). Retrieved 2009-05-28.
- ^ "Bangladesh: A group called the Sahaba Soldiers; the goals and activities of the group; treatment of those who hold progressive religious and social views by the Sahaba Soldier members (1990–2003)". UNHCR. 2003-07-29. Retrieved 2009-06-01.
- ^ Walsh, James; Farid Hossain, Anita Pratap, Jefferson Penberthy (1994-08-15). "Death To the Author". Time. Retrieved 2009-06-01.
- ^ "Bangladeshi author and doctor Taslima Nasreen threatened by Islamic fundamentalists". Fileroom. Retrieved 2009-05-28.
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- ^ Bavadam, Lyla (18–31 March 2000). "From Bangladesh, with courage". Frontline 17 (6). Retrieved 2009-06-01.
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- ^ "Indian Muslim Body Offers Reward for Killing a Female Journalist". Assyrian International News Agency. 2007-03-17. Retrieved 2009-06-01.
- ^ "Taslima roughed up in Hyderabad". The Hindu (Chennai, India). 2007-08-10. Retrieved 2009-05-31.
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- ^ "Army deployed after Calcutta riot". BBC News 2007-11-21. 2007-11-21. Retrieved 2009-05-31.
- ^ a b "Taslima Nasreen: Controversy's child". BBC News. 2007-11-23. Retrieved 2009-05-31.
- ^ Ramesh, Randeep (2007-11-27). "Bangladeshi writer goes into hiding". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 2009-05-31.
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- ^ "Top French honour for Taslima Nasreen". Hindustan Times. 2008-01-14. Retrieved 2009-05-31.
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- ^ a b "Radicals in Bangladesh Want Writer Put to Death". The State. 1993-09-25. p. 4A.
- ^ Ahmed, Anis (1993-10-31). "Bangladesh Author Has Bounty on Her Head". Chicago Tribune. p. 11.
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- ^ "Carr Center for Human Rights Policy". Hks.harvard.edu. Retrieved 2010-12-14.
- ^ "UNESCO – Taslima Nasrin, winner of the 2004 UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Prize for the promotion of tolerance and non-violence". Portal.unesco.org. 2004-10-14. Retrieved 2010-12-14.
- ^ Banerjee, Sudeshna (2005-04-30). "Bitter, Taslima stays afloat". The Telegraph (Kolkata) (Calcutta, India). Retrieved 2009-06-01.
- ^ [4][dead link]
- ^ "Le Groupe Femmes, Politique et Démocratie reçoit le prestigieux 'Prix Condorcet-Aron' du Centre de recherche et d'étude politique de Belgique". 2005-09-22. Retrieved 2009-06-01.
- ^ "Official Home Page of Taslima Nasrin". Taslimanasrin.com. Retrieved 2010-12-14.
- ^ Hogan, Ron (2009-10-23). "Feminist Press Celebrates 39th Anniversary – GalleyCat". Mediabistro.com. Retrieved 2010-12-14.
External links [edit]
![]() | Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Taslima Nasrin |
- Book Collection – ToslimaNasrin
- Official homepage – TaslimaNasrin.com
- Personal Twitter account
- Women's untold stories: Michael Deibert interviews with Taslima Nasrin
- Need to escape from death chamber by Taslima Nasreen[dead link]
- For freedom of expression – by Taslima Nasrin
- Bangladeshi Writer Wins UNESCO Madanjeet Singh Prize – IFEX
- 1962 births
- Atheism activists
- Atheist feminists
- Bangladeshi atheists
- Bangladeshi exiles
- Bangladeshi feminists
- Bangladeshi former Muslims
- Bangladeshi essayists
- Bangladeshi humanists
- Bangladeshi memoirists
- Bangladeshi novelists
- Bangladeshi poets
- Bangladeshi secularists
- Bangladeshi women writers
- Bengali people
- Bengali writers
- Critics of Islam
- Living people
- People from Mymensingh District
- Rape victim advocates
- Recipients of the Sakharov Prize
- Recipients of the Ananda Purashkar
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