Door to door campaign against torture and organized violence (DDCATOV)
After mass awareness campaign PVCHR moved to door to door campaign against torture and organized violence (DDCATOV) in its torture free model village developed by PVCHR under its initiative "Promoting psycho legal framework to reduce torture and organized violence" with support from RCT.
In process of door to door campaign against torture and organized violence the PVCHR activist together with community leaders will visit each and every family of the targeted marginalized communities in model village for given below reasons-
· Increase public relationship against torture and organized violence
· Inculcate a better strategy with the involvement of the community for developing torture free village
· Linking the torture and organized violence with social and economical rights
They will sensitize them on all the Acts and directive guideline issued by Hon'able Supreme Court, National Human Rights Commission such as D.K Basu guideline, SC/ST (PoA) Act and D.V Act, 2005, RTE Act, Right to Health etc. At last they will gather at one place for developing comprehensive strategy for developing torture free village.
The DDCATOV campaign is divided in four phase:
First phase: Badagaon block of Varanasi district & Tanda block of Ambedkar Nagar district
Second phase: Robertsganj block of Sonbhadra district
Third phase: Pindra block of Varanasi district
Fourth phase: Domchach block of Koderma district of Jharkhand
For more information about DDCATOV please write to
Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe caxky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; ds funsZ'k ds vuqlkj Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe ca xky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; ds funsZ 'k ds vuqlkj ekfyd] [kkusdks iSlkugh gSA ,d gtkj dgk¡ ls nsaxsA ekfyd] [kkusdks iSlk ugh gSA ,d gtkj dgk¡ ls nsaxsA lkys nf<+;y !pykscrkrk gw¡rqEgs FkkusesaA l k y s n f < + ; y ! p y k s c r k r k g w¡ r qE g s F k k u s e s aA ,d gtkj :i;k ugh nsxkA , d g t k j : i ; k u g h n s x kA fxj¶rkjh ds 24 ?k.Vs ds vUnj fxj¶rkj O;fDr dkseftLVªsV ds lkeus is'k djuk t:jh gS A fxj¶rkjh ds le; iqfyl dks fxj¶rkj O;fDr o mlds ifjokj dks vijk/k crkuk t:jh gS Afxj¶rkjh ds le; fdlh Hkh rjg ds cwjs lywd ;k tks j&tcjtLrh dh eukgh gS AeftLVªs V ds vkns 'k ds fcuk iqfyl gFkdM+h ugh yxk ldrh gS A gq tw j esjk dlw j D;kgS \ ;wjksih;u ;wfu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk izkIr ifj;kstukA ;w jksih;u ;w fu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk iz kIr ifj;kstukA ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgsa etcwrh nsdj ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgsa etcw rh nsdj tehuh Lrj ij eqfLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** tehuh Lrj ij eqfLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** fdlh Hkh efgyk ;k ukckfyd dksiwNrkN ds uke ij Fkkus ugh ys tk;k tk ldrk gSA Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe caxky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; ds funsZ'k ds vuqlkj Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe ca xky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; ds funsZ 'k ds vuqlkj lkyh ! eqlyeku l k y h ! e q l y e k u vkradoknh gks v k r a d o k n h g k s ;wjksih;u ;wfu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk izkIr ifj;kstukA ;w jksih;u ;w fu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk izkIr ifj;kstukA ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcwrh nsdj ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcw rh nsdj tehuh Lrj ij eqfLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** tehuh Lrj ij eq fLyeksa ds f[kykQ iq fyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe caxky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; ds funsZ'k ds vuqlkj Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe ca xky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; ds funsZ 'k ds vuqlkj ;fn fdlh Hkh O;fDr dks iqfyl }kjk iwNrkN] fgjklr ;k fxj¶rkj fd;k tkrk gS rks ml O;fDr dks dkuwuh vf/kdkj gS fd] iqfyl }kjk rqjUr mlds fdlh ,d 'kqHkfpUrd ;k ifjokj ds lnL; ;k fe= ;k vU; igpku ds O;fDr dks ;g lwpuk nh tk; fd fxj¶rkj O;fDr dksfdl LFkku ij j[kk x;k gSA ;fn fxj¶rkj O;fDr ;k fe= ml ftyk ;k 'kgj dsckgj jgrsa gksa] rks;g lwpukfxj¶rkjh ds 8 ls12 ?k.Vksa ds vUnj rkj }kjk igq¡pkuh vko';d gSA rkj ftykdkuwuh lgk;rk dsUnzvkSj lEcfU/kr Fkkus }kjk tk;sxhA ;fn fxj¶rkj O;fDr ;k fe= ml ftyk ;k 'kgj dsckgj jgrs a gks a] rks ;g lw puk fxj¶rkjh ds 8 ls12 ?k.Vks a dsvUnj rkj }kjk igq¡ pkuh vko';d gSA rkj ftyk dkuw uh lgk;rk ds UnzvkS j lEcfU/kr Fkkus }kjk tk;sxhA fxj¶rkjh dsle; gh fxj¶rkj O;fDr dks;g crk;k tkuk vko';d gSfd]mUgsa viuh fxj¶rkjh dsckjs esa fdlh dks lwpuk fHktokusdk vf/kdkj gSA fxj¶rkjh dsle; gh fxj¶rkj O;fDr dks;g crk;k tkuk vko';d gSfd] mUgs a viuh fxj¶rkjh ds ckjs es a fdlh dks lw puk fHktokusdk vf/kdkj gSA ;wjksih;u ;wfu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk izkIr ifj;kstukA ;w jksih;u ;w fu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk izkIr ifj;kstukA ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcwrh nsdj ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcw rh nsdj tehuh Lrj ij eqfLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** tehuh Lrj ij eq fLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe caxky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; ds funsZ'k ds vuqlkj Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe ca xky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; ds funsZ 'k ds vuqlkj fdlh Hkh nq?kZVuk ij ,Q0vkbZ0vkj0 (F.I.R.) ntZ djkuk vkidk dkuwuh vf/kdkj gS]blds fy, iqfyl vkidks bUdkj ugh dj ldrh gSA ;wjksih;u ;wfu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk izkIr ifj;kstukA ;w jksih;u ;w fu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk iz kIr ifj;kstukA ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcwrh nsdj ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcw rh nsdj tehuh Lrj ij eqfLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** tehuh Lrj ij eq fLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** pyksHkkxks ;gk¡ls ugha rks cUn dj nsxsa Aeq¡g mBk;spysvkrsgS! pyksHkkxks ;gk¡ ls ugha rks cUn dj ns xs a A eq ¡g mBk;spysvkrsgS! ;wjksih;u ;wfu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk izkIr ifj;kstukA ;w jksih;u ;w fu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk iz kIr ifj;kstukA ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcwrh nsdj ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcw rh nsdj tehuh Lrj ij eqfLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** tehuh Lrj ij eq fLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** Hkkjrh; lafo/kku dsvuq lkj gj O;fDr dksfdlh Hkh izdkj ds ;kruk vkS j nq O;Z ogkj lslqj{kk nh x;h gS--- lkysrq e yksx dke djusdsfy, gh rks iS nk gq , gksA lkgc] Bkdqj dke djkdsiS ls Hkh ugh ns rsvkS j ekjrs&ihVrsHkh gS aA Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe caxky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; dsfunsZ 'k ds vuq lkj ;wjksih;u ;wfu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk izkIr ifj;kstukA ;w jksih;u ;wfu;u }kjk foRrh; lgk;rk iz kIr ifj;kstukA ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcwrh nsdj ^^Hkkjr esa ekuokf/kdkj laLFkkvks dks 'kkfey djds vkSj mUgs etcwrh nsdj tehuh Lrj ij eqfLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** tehuh Lrj ij eq fLyeksa ds f[kykQ iqfyfl;k ;kruk esa deh ykuk** vigj.k okysds l es a cgqr Qthgr gksjgh gSA blsghvfHk;qDr cuk nsrs gS aA gk¡ ] izeks'ku dsfy, ;s cgqr t:jh gSA fdlh Hkh fxj¶rkjh ds12 ?k.VsdsvUnj iq fyl dUVª ks y :e dkslwpuk ns usdk iz ko/kku iqfyl iz'kklu dsfy, t:jh gS--- Mh- ds- clq cuke if'pe caxky] 1997 mPpRre U;k;ky; dsfunsZ 'k ds vuq lkj |
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