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Thursday, August 27, 2015

JI Pakistan Amir in the UK--his speech in London

LAHORE, Aug. 26; Ameer, Jamaat e Islami, Pakistan, Senator Sirajul Haq, has stressed upon the government not to yield to any pressure regarding the Karachi operation and to carry it to its logical end at every cost. 
He said that the criminals must be hauled up irrespective of their party affiliation, and brought to the book. The JI chief, currently on a tour of UK, was addressing a reception hosted in his honour by Lord Nazir Ahmed in London. 
Sirajul Haq said that certain elements were making hue and cry in order to make the operation controversial, but added that such efforts would not succeed. 
The JI chief said that the US and western powers had double standards even on democracy. The west had not allowed elected governments to function in Muslim countries as it wanted only such people in power in these states who were consent to remain slaves of the west. He pointed out that in Egypt, the elected government of Dr. Mursi was toppled by a military dictator. The Sisi government had killed thousands of innocent people and put behind bars thousands others but the western powers were not only silent spectators of the whole affair but were fully patronizing the dictator. The situation was the same in Bangladesh and Burma. He said that in Kashmir and Palestine, thousands of innocent Muslims had been killed over the years but the world conscience remained unmoved. 
Sirajul Haq said that the corrupt elite ruling Pakistan so far had ruined the country's economy and burdened it under huge foreign debt. He said the Pakistani working abroad were remitting huge amounts in foreign exchange but that was being transferred to the foreign accounts of the rulers. 
The JI chief said that if corruption to the tune of one thousand billion rupees taking place per year was controlled, the country would not need any foreign loans, and would be able to provide basic facilities to the masses. He said the fate of the country would change only if God aring and capable leadership came to power. 
He demanded the right of vote to the overseas Pakistanis to enable them play due role in national politics. 
The JI chief expressed deep concern over the increasing crime rate in the Muslim community in the west and said the trend could be controlled only by re-linking the Muslim youth to their Islamic ideology and culture. 

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