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Friday, September 3, 2010


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mohammad <mohammad_b_haq@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 4:54 PM
Subject: [bangla-vision] WHO IS BEHIND THE TERRORISTS? ….. ONE GUESS!
To: bangla-vision@yahoogroups.com




http://desertpeace.wordpress.com/2010/06/24/the-proof-is-in-the-pudding-the-zionists-want-more-suicide-bombers/June 24, 2010 at 20:10 (Corrupt Politics, Cover Up,
, Terrorism)


By Michael RiveroJust for a moment, I want you to consider the possibility that maybe 99% of the terrorists in the world are manufactured fakes, a bloody theater to serve the interests not of fringe groups, but of entire nation-states? Now before you laugh and head off to get a coffee, just stop and think for a moment. Would any real group of oppressed people needing the support of world opinion to affect change intentionally set out to commit such an horrific atrocity that it destroys that very support?Let us say that Nation A is being cruelly oppressed by Nation B. Nation A has succeeded in winning world sympathy and support for the harsh and cruel treatment they suffer at the hand of Nation B. Then all of a sudden, there is a "terror" attack, and it look like Nation A has struck out at Nation B, killing a lot of innocent people. World sympathy for Nation A vanishes in an instant and shifts over to Nation B, the perceived victim.
Why would Nation A do such a stupid thing?The truth is, nation A would not do such a thing. The benefit of the terror attack points to the real culprit, which is Nation B engaging in what is called a "False Flag: attack; committing an act of atrocity in order to blame it on the enemy. Examples of false-flag attacks would include the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946, carried out by members of Irgun dressed as Arabs, the Lavon Affair in 1954, carried out by Israeli agents but blamed on Egypt, and the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967, which had it succeeded, was also to be blamed on Egypt.
Nation A is, of course, Palestine, and Nation B is Israel, and it began to be obvious that there was a pattern in the so-called "terrorist" attacks which always seemed to occur just when public opinion was starting to favor the Palestinians, just in time to thwart the Palestinians' desire for a nation of their own, always just in time to swing world opinion back to Israel's continuing theft of Palestinian lands.

So who are the terrorists really working for?

Israeli Mossad Role in Turkey Coup Plot Revealed
Israel funded "terrorist" groups through BCCI
AMIA was Mossad False-flag Operation Mossad Agent killing Oz Tourists to steal their identity to use in fake Al-Qaeda operations `Mossad capable of US attack': US Army officials Iran hangs "terrorist" linked to Mossad Montreal Averts Israeli Mossad Terrorist Attack
Israeli Mossad = al Qaeda?
Judiciary starts work on case of Mossad-linked terror group Assassins caught on video reveals possible Mossad-Fatah link Mossad funded Abu Nidal through BCCI Mumbai: The Mossad Angle Hamas Was Founded by Mossad
Israeli officer sells weapons to terrorists in Iraq MOSSAD FALSE FLAG TERRORIST ATTACKS Revealing information on Mossad terrorist acts worries Europeans Mossad and Moving Companies: Masterminds of Global Terrorism? Group that took credit for "Bandini Bomber" linked to Mossad. MARRIOTT BOMB:Mossad pulls off another false-flag operation
Mossad Exposed in Phony`Palestinian Al-Qaeda' Caper Mossad orchestrated Christmas Day bomb plot British Broadsheet Links Mossad to 9/11 How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11
A Look at the Mossad's Assassination Squads
Army Captures `Terrorist Ring' Working for Mossad Lebanon's Army captures Israeli Mossad `Terrorist Ring' A bumbling Mossad hand suspected in Dubai assassination Mossad stealing passports in Australia and NZ Mossad supporting "Radical Muslim" groups.
Mossad-Linked Cell Arrested in South Lebanon
Mossad links to 1986 Berlin disco bombing HUNDREDS OF MOSSAD AGENTS CAUGHT RUNNING WILD IN AMERICA! Mossad-backed terror network in Lebanon Mossad was found to be propping up `Islamic terrorist' groups in mid-east. Mossad implicated in a coup plot in Turkey, a NATO country
Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle
Mossad linked to "Jundollah" attacks, and kidnapping of Iranian border guards Mossad behind Hindu terror group Israeli Mossad Links To World Trade Center Attack Abu Nidal – Mossad terrorist `Terror' group in Iran linked to Mossad, CIA
Attack On US Embassy In Yemen Linked To Mossad
Mossad Black Ops and False Flags Mossad linked to "Crotch Bomber" Mossad linked to 9/11 attacks: Report 9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: "Our Purpose Was To Document The Event"
Only people actually arrested on 9-11 were Israelis
Mossad Link Found to One of Key 9-11 Hijackers Bush Administration Ignores Mossad-Al Qaeda Terrorist Link Al Qaeda are really Mossad
Mossad linked to Ergenekon plot

Hezbollah infiltrated by Mossad, does Israel's bidding. Attacks when Israel needs excuse to invade LebanonIs Hizbullah a Mossad front? Israel tricked the US into attacking Libya When Israel attacked the USS Liberty they tried to frame Egypt for it. The Lavon Affair: Israel has a history of faking terror attacks.
Israel creates and aids terror groups.
If HAMAS is so bad why did Israel create it? To demonize Palestinians? Israel stages all these "terror" attacks to trick America into hating Israel's enemies.

Written For What Really Happened

Posted by AWAMI BHARAT at 10:31 AM

Palash Biswas
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