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Friday, September 3, 2010

Fwd: Paranoia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Xavier William <varekatx@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 9:20 AM
Subject: Paranoia
To: india-unity@yahoogroups.com, keraladd <KeralaDD@yahoogroups.co.uk>

Many like Bhasaker Menon have been extrapolating things to irrational proportions. Thus they say that if Kashmirfalls Pakistan/Taliban/Muslims will take over bit by bit of India starting with Punjab and will ultimately conquer TN and Kerala. This amounts paranoia of  psychotic proportions whipped up by State propaganda.
I do not see why we should be so paranoid about Pakistan. Why cant taliban/Islam from invading us from Bengladesh or Nepal? Nepal is Hindu and yet Nepal has been anti-India on many counts and even now most of counterfeit notes from Pakistan reach India though Nepal. So our fixation on Islam and Pakistan is unfounded.
Go to any place in India and we can see beggars, indigents and drunks sleeping on street-sides and shop fronts. They are perfectly safe because they have nothing to lose except may be their kidneys. We boast that India is now economical powerhouse. But if we take the per-capita income India is one of the poorest countries in the world especially if we leave out African continent out of the reckoning. So our fears about being taken over by neighbors is as ridiculous or psychotic as  a beggar fearing about being robbed. In fact there are many rich but defenseless countries in the world and yet no one bothers or dares to take them over. Thus there is Brunei with perhaps the highest per-capita income in the world. For nations like Indonesia or China, Brunei is just a walk-over and yet no one has attacked it or taken it over. Even the oil-rich Gulf can be taken over by the West if they put their minds to it. So our fears that everyone is waiting to pounce on India is nothing but the ravings of a madman. India is not worth the trouble when there are other countries which are far better endowed than we are and we ever will be. So Indians of the world take courage, we have nothing to lose but our kidneys.

Xavier William |

Palash Biswas
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