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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fwd: Why you think that United Hindu Front is Bigoted

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: psn.1946 <psn.1946@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: Why you think that United Hindu Front is Bigoted
To: "devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com" <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com>
Cc: ashokjai@sancharnet.in, sarkar28@verizon.net, ap@wallguard.net, ckaul_2004@yahoo.com, deepakganju@hotmail.com, ranadeepak@hotmail.com, Kanaiyalal.Patel@shawgrp.com, palashbiswaskl@gmail.com

1. Here is another proof of the classes carrying their decadent culture to alien lands and trying to continue their nasty apartheid.
2. Varnashrama protectors in New Delhi, Asian MPs and a Nazi club known as 'Hindu Forum of Britain' shamelessly claim caste as an internal affairs of the 'community'. Is it the internal affairs of the Fascist Brahmin community?
3. How can these rogues term untouchability, a gross violation of human rights, as rite, belief or practice of a particular religion? 
Sankara Narayanan


Date:04/09/2010 URL: http://www.thehindu.com/2010/09/04/stories/2010090454531300.htm

Back  Opinion - News Analysis

Caste discrimination — U.K. Dalits win the argument, nearly

Hasan Suroor

There's a palpable mood of optimism among Britain's 2,00,000-strong Dalit community as it waits for the Government to take a decision on its long-standing campaign for caste discrimination to be recognised as racism. The buzz is that, barring a last-minute hiccup, Britain could soon become the first European, indeed Western, country to declare caste prejudice unlawful under its race laws — a move which will not please New Delhi which has consistently opposed caste being clubbed with race.

Britain's new Equality Act already empowers the Government to declare "caste to be an aspect of race" without seeking fresh parliamentary approval.

Clause 9 of the Act says: "The fact that a racial group comprises two or more distinct racial groups does not prevent it from constituting a particular racial group. A Minister of the Crown may by order — (a) amend this section so as to provide for caste to be an aspect of race …"

Much will depend on the findings of a study it has commissioned to determine the extent of caste discrimination. The report of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research, a leading independent research body which is conducting the research, is expected in the autumn and campaigners are confident that it will back their own claims about how "widespread" caste prejudice in Britain, really, is.

CasteWatchUK, Britain's oldest Dalit campaign group, says it is no longer a question of "if" but "when" an official announcement is made.

"We have provided enough evidence to researchers and have no doubt in our minds that their report will be positive. Besides, we have full faith in the fairness of the British state. The fact that they have included it in the equality act is half the battle won. It is not a question of 'if' but 'when' it happens," claims its general secretary Davinder Prasad.

There has been widespread cross-party support for the campaign, the "only reluctant voices being those of Asian MPs," according to Lekh Pall, general secretary of the Anti Caste Discrimination Alliance (ACDA), an umbrella group.

Leads to division

The issue has divided Britain's Indian diaspora and right-wing groups such as the Hindu Forum of Britain have launched a counter-campaign arguing that the Government has no right to intervene in what they claim is the community's internal affair.

Ramesh Kallidai, secretary-general of the Forum, says it is "not right for the U.K. Government to take a position on the rites, beliefs or practices of a particular religion".

"Social interactions and personal choices are an expression of people's freedom, and any barriers should be removed through education and awareness, not through legislation," he argues.

In a report, "Caste in the U.K.", the Forum denied claims of caste discrimination saying its own research had found that it was "not endemic in British society".

However, a study — "Hidden Apartheid, Voice of the Community, Caste and Caste Discrimination in the U.K." — by ACDA in collaboration with academics from the universities of Hertfordshire and Manchester and the Manchester Metropolitan University, concluded that there was "clear evidence" of widespread caste-based discrimination.

"There is clear evidence from the survey and the focus groups that the caste system has been imported into the U.K. with the Asian diaspora and that the associated caste discrimination affects citizens in ways beyond personal choices and social interaction. There is a danger that if the U.K. government does not effectively accept and deal with the issue of caste discrimination the problem will grow unchecked," it said.

The report claimed that "tens of thousands of people in the workplace, the classroom and even the doctor's surgery" suffered discrimination because of their caste. Forty-five per cent of the respondents alleged they had either been treated negatively by co-workers or had comments made about their caste. Nine per cent felt they were been denied promotion, and 10 per cent that they were paid less because of their caste. Some also claimed that they faced "threats".

One woman, who worked for an Indian-run radio station, complained that she was demoted after her manager discovered her caste background, while an elderly woman alleged that her care worker discriminated against her on caste grounds. One transport company reorganised its duty roster so that a "higher caste" inspector would not have to work with a "lower caste" bus driver. Caste-related name-calling was one of the most commonly-reported complaints.

More often than not, incidents of discrimination go unreported as people are reluctant to talk about them, activists claim with one activist saying that "there is a silent majority out there that we never hear about".

According to Dr. Gurnam Singh of the department of social and community studies at Coventry University, caste discrimination is a "daily reality" for many. Yet there has been no "systematic" research about the level of caste prejudice in Britain. Anecdotal evidence, however, suggests that it is on the rise, he says.

Meanwhile, even as Dalits are preparing to celebrate what they hope would be a successful outcome of their long struggle there are also fears that the Government could develop "cold feet under pressure from New Delhi", in the words of an ACDA official. And, if that happens they may take the issue to the European Court of Human Rights.



On 9/5/10, devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com> wrote:
Ashok Ji, Thanks for letting me have the historic perspective of the present debate.. You are right in condemning any group(s) that incites violence.and hatred.   Regards Devinder Thakur

From: psn.1946 <psn.1946@gmail.com>
To: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai@sancharnet.in>
Cc: Devinder Thakur <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com>; Dr. Anil K. Sarkar MD <sarkar28@verizon.net>; Aditya Raj Kaul <kauladityaraj@gmail.com>; Ashwin Patel <ap@wallguard.net>; ckaul_2004@yahoo.com; Deepak Ganju <deepakganju@hotmail.com>; Deepak Rana <ranadeepak@hotmail.com>; Kanaiyalal Patel <Kanaiyalal.Patel@shawgrp.com>; Palash Biswas <palashbiswaskl@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, 4 September, 2010 11:50:31
Subject: Re: Why you think that United Hindu Front is Bigoted

Earlier the tiny minority Brahminical hegemony is brought to an end the better for the majority of the countrymen including the Hindus, Muslims and all.
Sankara Narayanan

On 9/3/10, Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai@sancharnet.in> wrote:
Devinder Jee,
    As desired by you, I am forwarding to you an email showing some of the correspondence that took place between me and some members of the United Hindu Front about 2 years back. You were one of the persons who had expressed his views on the controversy which started with the discussion on J.G. Arora's article, "Terrible message from Kashmir". 
    I had expressed my views by saying, "United Hindu Front is controlled by Mentally Deranged Persons," and asked the question, "Why do Bigoted Brahmins want 400 Million Hindu men to Die?"

           With regards, 
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 02 Sep 2010 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: {UnitedHinduFront} Hindus should start a Hindu Freedom Movement in India

Ashok Ji, Please tell us more why you think that United Hindu Front is bigoted and what are the basis of  your conclusions. I have suddenly ceased to be a member of that link but can not fathom out the reason why.  Reg DT

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 02 Sep 2008 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: "Terrible message from Kashmir" by J.G. Arora

Mr Langdoo,
    When I am NOT even a member of your discussion group, why are idiotic messages being sent to me by the so-called United Hindu Front?
    I have better things to do than receive any stinking trash from mad murderers and traitors like Shitty Shiv Patel, female Devil Poonam Abbi, Gangster Gehi, Paakhandee Pravin Bhate, and many other mentally deranged persons of your discussion group.
    I definitely don't like to deal with any traitors who want 400 million Hindus to die in any communal war.
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
      Editor & Publisher:
www.Top-Nut.com      Top Nutritionist
----- Original Message ----
From: Dalip Langoo <
To: "Ashok T. Jaisinghani" <
  Pravin Bhate <
Cc: maharaj zutshi <
maharajzutshi@yahoo.com>, guru prasanth <guruprasanth@hotmail.com>, Naresh Khanna <nkk1113@gmail.com>, Dr Rajiv Arora MD - Sanatan Dharma <hindureligion@gmail.com>, ranjeet singh <live_by_dharma@yahoo.co.uk>, Ramesh Jhalla <rameshjhalla@yahoo.co.uk>, Hindustani <intelligent74@rediffmail.com>,
Dr Raj Pandit Sharma <
Subject: Re: {UnitedHinduFront} Re: "Terrible message from Kashmir" by J.G. Arora
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 03:45:27 +0000 (GMT)
All culrured and civilised members whoes emails are misused by the terrorist ATJ are requested to request all forums and individuals to block his ill intensioned mails full of filth and trash. My humble request to block him fast so that the malaria, dengue, cancer of his poor mind is not spread further anymore!
Barsoon Baad Jo Dikha Hai Hindu Aik,
Kahen Nazar Na Lag Jaye Pagal Sirfirey Ki !!!
Adhaar Aikta Aur Asheesh
Dalip Langoo
----- Original Message ----
From: Dalip Langoo <dlangoo@yahoo.co.uk>
To: "Ashok T. Jaisinghani" <
Subject: "Terrible message from Kashmir" by J.G. Arora
Date: Tue, 2 Sep 2008 02:55:37 +0000 (GMT)
Why do Bigoted Brahmins want 
400 Million Hindu men to Die?
Paakhandee Pravin, 
    Why are the bigoted Brahmins of the United Hindu Front supporting Poonam Abbi who wants 400 million Hindus to die? Such an extremely evil woman can be described as the Devil's Daughter. Does a woman, whose thinking is more evil than even that of the Devil, deserve any respect? No woman who advocates the deaths of 400 million Hindus deserves any respect from the Hindus.
    If 400 million Hindus die while fighting and killing 200 million Muslims and Christians, most of the Hindu men would be dead. In wars, it is MAINLY the men who get killed. As they are themselves cowards who won't fight, the bigoted Brahmins want all the Hindu men belonging to other castes to die.
    After 400 million Hindu men, and all the 200 million Muslims and Christians, get killed in the communal war, only the Brahmin men will be left in India with about 400 million Hindu women and girls. What do the bigoted Brahmins want to achieve in that way? According to the evil conspiracy of the bigoted Brahmins, when only Brahmin men are left in India, each Brahmin can marry or keep more than 100 Hindu women and girls. A Brahmin can then keep any number of wives, concubines, Devdaasis and prostitutes. According to the plans of bigoted Brahmins, the whole of India would then come under the total control of Brahmins, as only the children of Brahmins would be born in India.
    As the Brahmins are no longer able to tolerate the loss of power in India, they are hatching all types of conspiracies to destroy all the male Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and workers (Shudras), along with all the 200 million Muslims and Christians. Even if they were to succeed in their evil designs of destroying other castes and communities in the country, the bigoted Brahmin idiots, however, don't realize that the Muslims, Christians and communists from other countries would invade India and destroy Hinduism for ever.
    Who would then be able to prevent the invading Muslims, Christians and communists from marrying the defenceless Hindu women? Also, would any Hindu woman choose to be one among a hundred wives and prostitutes of any debauchee Brahmin, or marry a Christian, a communist or even a Muslim? 
    We know very well that the cowardly Brahmins can never defend India against foreign invasions because they cannot themselves fight physically, as they are extremely frightened of death. The bigoted Brahmins are well-known for falsifying historical records and claiming credit for the many victories won by the brave soldiers of the Kshatriya and other castes who had fought wars in the past in India.
    Finally, let me inform you that I have not taken any treatment for any disease from any doctor for the last forty years. From your email of August 31, it seems that you have treated many persons for hemorrhoids or piles. As many fellows of the so-called United Hindu Front must be suffering from hemorrhoids, why don't you advise them which cream they should apply on their arses?
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
      Editor & Publisher:
www.Top-Nut.com      Top Nutritionist
----- Original Message ----
From: Pravin Bhate <pravin_bhate@hotmail.co.uk
To: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai@sancharnet.in>, unitedhindufront@googlegroups.com 
Cc: maharaj zutshi <maharajzutshi@yahoo.com>, guru prasanth <guruprasanth@hotmail.com>, Naresh Khanna <nkk1113@gmail.com>, Dr Rajiv Arora MD - Sanatan Dharma <hindureligion@gmail.com>, ranjeet singh <live_by_dharma@yahoo.co.uk>, Dalip Langoo <dlangoo@yahoo.co.uk>, Ramesh Jhalla <rameshjhalla@yahoo.co.uk>, Hindustani <intelligent74@rediffmail.com>, Dr Raj Pandit Sharma <drrsharma@o2.co.uk>, asahani2003@yahoo.in, pravin_bhate@hotmail.co.uk 
Subject: RE: {UnitedHinduFront} Re: "Terrible message from Kashmir" by J.G. Arora
Date: Sunday, August 31, 2008 7:34 PM
Ashok,  (It would be good if you can copy these feelings to Shabhana Azmi,
             the Pakistani congress politician Omar Abdullah, Shah Rukh n Sajoj Khan,
             Javed Akhtar and Sharmila Pataudi Khan - could you do that please.  We
             that they are involved in such debate from an Indian perspective so
            they can see how we Indian wish that they must behave like good guests
           in our Hindu country, and not try to take it over with an Islamic agenda)
You must suffer terribly from hammoroids (haras), but we find it un-necessary to join you
in your language of the type you use .. you my firend are a muslim masqerading
as an *Indian .. your depth of emotion in defences of Muslims living in India is a dead give away I think.
You typically endeavour the confuse this debate which is solely and only to Muslims born
n living in India.  It does not apply to Christians as you seek to mislead people in your words bleow.
Good try Ashok .. it wont work. 
By the way, we dont have anything at all against Muslims, BUT Muslims living in THEIR
Islamic motherlands Pakistan n Bangladesh .. not in India .. they are unwelcome in India.

Catholics/Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hinus & Sikhs are *Indians ... it is people of these faiths
who makes Inida the great secular land which it is, and together we tolerate the unwanted
Muslims (ie you & all your brethren) too .. be grateful.
Do you know the difference between us Inidans and your kind .. we do not use language such as that which you use with ladies .. Poonam is a womans name in case u r unaware. 
You are an angry man Ashok .. and that is because you are now under pressure from *Indians instead of the other way round.  You can by hamaroids cream from any chemist by the way.
Yes, "we idiots" as you choose to call us in your wisdom extreme, appreciate the meaning and the value of life, especially another life .. but then, what we cant understand is why men of your wisdom don't you go the the mosque and explain what you say here to your pakistani brethren at Friday namaz as they bomb India, kill and cleanse us in Kashmir, and bomb Delhi Parliament?
Poonam as I said earlier I believe wrote in anger .. and your little brain hangs onto it for Islamic propoganda .. I do believe it is men like you who must stop such Pro-Islamic propogands against us *Indians.
Aap ka pakahandee (by the way, there is a difference in calling someone a Prize Idiot, and a pakhandee – lol.  Debate here in a calm state of mind Ashok (if that is your name) and not in anger or with abusive language especially towards women.
For your sir are a traitor to Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist India.

Come to India & Fight till You get Killed
Paakhandee Pravin, 
    Does farting alone loudly in her own home make Poonam Abbi so frightened of her own noise that the eunuchs of the United Hindu Front (UHF) have to make her fart publicly? Why do they want the whole world to know how loudly she can fart? Instead of advising Poonam to stop boasting and to exercise restraint, why have idiots like you, Shiv Patel, and Lal Gehi also started farting loudly in public along with her?
    It is easy for lunatics like Poonam Abbi, and the non-resident idiots like you, to ask the other Hindus to die fighting in India. Why are you fellows in the UHF just insisting that the other Hindus should start an all-out war against the Muslims and Christians, when many of you are yourselves living safely in Europe and America? You farting cowards must come to India and fight.
    When you insist that some idiots of the UHF can decide that 400 million Hindus should die fighting against 200 million Muslims and Christians, why don't you, your relatives and Hindu friends set a practical example by fighting and dying in the war against Muslims and Christians? Let us see whether even 100 persons from the UHF are brave enough to die fighting in India. Don't just fart around in foreign countries, hiding in safe places, and living in luxury. You should come to India and keep fighting till you get killed, just as you are telling the other Hindus to do.
    Any eunuchs and cowards of the UHF would be shot dead if they ever state publicly before the Hindu masses that they want 400 million Hindus to die while fighting to kill the 200 million Muslims and Christians.
    Do the idiots of the UHF understand the exact meaning and implications of the 400 million deaths of Hindus in the proposed total communal war, and millions of more deaths in the epidemics that follow such a war? The lives of Hindus living in India are not so cheap that any non-resident idiots like you, who live abroad, can decide the fate of 400 million Hindus and make them die in a war against 200 million Muslims and Christians, just because some bigoted Brahmins and their idiotic supporters want to grab power in India and to rule the country.

    Do you know the value of human life, especially another person's life? 400 million Hindus shall never agree to sacrifice their precious lives just to bring some bigoted Brahmins to power in India. Why should we follow any bigoted Brahmins who had brought defeat and extreme disgrace to the Hindus in the past by interfering in the political and military fields, which are not meant for the Brahmins.
    The United Hindu Front must be made to stop circulating the nonsensical ideas of some of its bigoted thinkers to others.
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
      Editor & Publisher:
www.Top-Nut.com      Top Nutritionist
----- Original Message ----
From: Pravin Bhate <pravin_bhate@hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: {UnitedHinduFront} Re: "Terrible message from Kashmir"  by  J.G. Arora
To: devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com, ashokjai@sancharnet.inpoonam_abbi@yahoo.com, unitedhindufront@googlegroups.com,  pravin_bhate@hotmail.co.uk
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 20:25:58 +0100


You are a prize idiot.   Poonam is venting her anger, and angry people write things.

Then, idiots like you, out to seek publishing glory and circulation for financial gain go out and
blow it out of proportion like you have.

Poonam spoke her mind .. what is wrong with that?  Perhaps she could have put her point across more subtally .. but she speaks her mind, and most probably represents the thinking, albeit to varying degree, of the majority of Indians all over the world.

do you know the difference between her speaking her mind, and the muslim who throws a bomb?

she is talking my friend, she is not throwing bombs at anyone.  or would you rather support the 200 million + muslims living in india, all loyal to pakstan?

perhaps it is you who needs your head examined?  ever though of that?

we express our views on this site, we dont throw bombs at anyone .. we leave that to islamic terrorists, unless you have missed the point.

united hindu front is no traitor, it guys like you who are traitors and sell india out!

your writing irks me.

feel free to circulate this.

Subject: Fw: Fw: {UnitedHinduFront} Re:"Terrible message from Kashmir" by J.G. Arora
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 16:59:54 +0000

----- Forwarded Message ----
To: Ashok T. Jaisinghani <ashokjai@sancharnet.in>
Sent: Thursday, 28 August, 2008 5:22:17 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: {UnitedHinduFront} Re:"Terrible message from Kashmir" by J.G. Arora
Ashok Ji, You are quite right to question the policy of the United Hindu Front as well as the moderator. Is it purely to incite hatred as well as violence against the non Hindus and also, if the views expressed  here are of the individuals or some other socio/fascist organisation(s) that they represent.  On the face of it the United Hindu Front appears quite a benign.outfit.

It does appear from what is mentioned below that India is preparing a blue print for a blood bath of a gigantic proportion unprecedented in the human history.or  failing which the entire Hindu race would be consumed to self-destruction by the human hatred of a monumental proportion.  Regards  DT
----- Original Message ----
From: Ashok T. Jaisinghani ashokjai@sancharnet.in
Cc: Devinder Thakur <devinder.thakur@btopenworld.com>; Lal Gehi <lalhgehi@yahoo.com>; Arvind Mallya <mallya@yahoo.com>; Dr Madhukar Ambekar <drmnambekar@yahoo.co.uk>; Dr S Sharma dr_ssharma@hotmail.com
Sent: Thursday, 28 August, 2008 8:29:42 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: {UnitedHinduFront} Re:"Terrible message from Kashmir" by J.G. Arora

United Hindu Front is controlled by
Mentally Deranged Persons
    Why have the mentally deranged persons from the United Hindu Front circulated on August 25 the highly objectionable and provocative message of Poonam Abbi? She has clearly stated, "Even if we loose 2 Hindus to take out 1 musla or a chatta, the math still works out...Hindus are 80%. Chattas & musletas combined...20%. 2 Hindus dying for each one of the 20%...we cleanse out our country, & take over our land, home & self respect, & are still left with 40% of our Hindus, . . ."
    How many mad persons in the United Hindu Front agree with Poonam Abbi that there should be a total communal war in India in which 2 Hindus should be ready to die for every Muslim or Christian killed? Let us know the names of all the lunatics in the United Hindu Front who believe that about 400 million Hindus should die while killing 200 million Muslims and Christians? That means 600 million or 60 crore Indians should die to make India become completely Hindu, and totally free of Muslims and Christians.
    The fanatics of the United Hindu Front are the worst enemies of all Hindus, besides the people of all other communities. They are the worst enemies of all human beings. The fanatics of the United Hindu Front are against the most important beliefs and practices of Hinduism. Such fanatics can only be considered as the most dangerous ideological terrorists, as they are planning the world's worst genocide, which can kill 600 million Indians. Such ideological terrorists, who can plan the genocide of Indians on such a massive scale, are far worse than the ruthless armies of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin combined.
    If the majority of Hindus come to know that there are some ruthless fanatics in their community who want 400 million Hindus to die, while killing 200 million Muslims and Christians in communal wars, then such fanatics shall be lined up and shot dead like mad dogs by the Hindus themselves, much before the traitors can cause the deaths of 600 million Indians.
    The Unitedhindufront@googlegroups.com must be banned immediately. The UHF discussion group owners and moderators should also be arrested and tried for advocating and planning the largest genocide in the world's history.
    Ashok  T. Jaisinghani.
      Editor & Publisher:
www.Top-Nut.com    Top Nutritionist

NOTE: You are requested to forward this message among your relatives
and friends to expose the traitors in the United Hindu Front.


-----Original Message-----
From: poonam abbi <poonam_abbi@yahoo.com>
Subject: {UnitedHinduFront} Re: Fw: {UnitedHinduFront}
 Re:"Terrible message from Kashmir"  by  J.G. Arora
To: Unitedhindufront@googlegroups.com
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 05:38:11 -0700 (PDT)
Dalip Langoo Ji,
I have read several messages on how the muslims & xtians are running the Hindus out of their own homes & lands & taking over under the protection of the current govt. One person even commented, "the only choices for Hindus in Kerela are to convert, to die or to run, And now the Hindus are running out of places to run to."
That seems to be the refrain of the day.
From what I understand, the Hindus are only crying, not doing anything. The govt. that has given the Hindu heads on the platter to the muslas & chattas, do you think that they will do any thing for the hindus now? And as for the rest of the world, Why would they even think of helping Hindus? The rest of the world who are not Hindus, are those who are killing the Hindus...the muslas & the chattas. I have a better suggestion. Let us stop playing & acting the victim role. There is one more choice that the Hindus Have, KILL. We have to remember that we are still more in numbers than the muslas & chattas combined. These are not the brave, these are the geedads of the humanity...the biggest cowards, who will kill only when there is no one opposing them. What happened to our ond addage...we will blind the eyes that cast a wrong eye on us, & break the hand that is raised to harm us.
The only other option left for us is now to kill. Bharat Mata needs to be bathed in the blood of these enemies & her own children before she can regain her glory that is rightfully hers. Hindus have suffered due to their own inaction. We must learn from the world around us, and learn from the best. All the talk about humanitarian & peace from the usa & all others is just a lot of BS to keep the people from opposing them...a lot of hog-wash. When the twin towers were destroyed, did the USA sit quiet? No, they went & lay in ruins the 2 countries they thought were responsible. but also slept with the muslims...the gathbandhan of 2 whores. But, my point is, that as the muslims create an atmosphere of terror, more & more of these goras court them. You know what China is up to...no good...But has any one even raised so much as a sqeak? Not eve the great USA or the G_8.
 Moral of the story...stop fearing for your life. The Hindus are targeted to be killed or enslaved in the name of religion, so have nothing to lose. Kill before they kill you. and kill without fear & abandon. Make then taste the terror of being killed & the fear of being attacked.
Even if we loose 2 Hindus to take out 1 musla or a chatta, the math still works out...Hindus are 80%. Chattas & musletas combined...20%. 2 Hindus dying for each one of the 20%...we cleanse out our country, & take over our land, home & self respect, & are still left with 40% of our Hindus, which is still more Hindus than we will have if we do nothing. No one hands out self-respect. You have to fight to reclaim it. And the show of such force will be a deterrent for the rest of the world to try once again.
That is the power of China, it uses its human resource to keep in power. We Hindus need to take pride in killing to protect our land & life & in the process, our honor.
--- On Thu, 8/21/08, Dalip Langoo <dlangoo@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
> From: Dalip Langoo <dlangoo@yahoo.co.uk>
> Subject: {UnitedHinduFront} Fw: {UnitedHinduFront} Re: "Terrible message from Kashmir"  by  J.G. Arora
> To: "LALITADITYA PACE" <lalitaditya.pace@yahoo.co.in>
> Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 12:14 AM
> Pranam Shri Arora ji
> All of us have to act now to get rid of all that is
> terrifically dark!
> Adhaar Aikta Aur Asheesh
> Dalip Langoo
> Shri J.G. Arora Ji, your articulate description should be
> taught in the shools all over the country, I am
> elated, impressed and committed to your cause, Thanks and
> Namaskar,
> dinesh
> ________________________________
From: jgarora@vsnl.net
To: Unitedhindufront@googlegroups.com
Subject: {UnitedHinduFront} "Terrible message from Kashmir" by J.G. Arora
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2008 17:47:30 +0530

Terrible message from Kashmir
By  J.G. Arora
Organiser, New Delhi:  August 24, 2008
     As per Frederick Douglass, "The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the
endurance of those whom they oppress." India's consistent policy of
appeasement and of surrendering before its tormentors has resulted in
genocide and eviction of Hindus from Kashmir.
It is tragic that Kashmir, the land of Maharishi Kashyap, Lalitaditya, Kota
Rani, Abhinavagupta and Kalhan; the cradle of Vedic heritage; and which was
Hindu land with no Muslim presence, and which defeated Muslim invaders
heroically for many centuries has been made a Hindu-less region.
And to compound Hindu humiliation and disgrace, allotment of 40 hectares of
forest land in May, 2008 to Shri Amarnath Shrine Board to provide temporary
shelter for pilgrims visiting Amarnath shrine in Kashmir has been cancelled
by the government on July 1, 2008 due to violent protests from Kashmiri
Muslims who celebrated the cancellation as a "great victory".
Kashmiri leaders have opposed the allotment of land to Amarnath Shrine on
the absurd ground that it is a conspiracy to reduce the Muslims to a
minority in Kashmir. Stiff opposition to the said land allotment by Muslim
majority Kashmir sends the perverse message that in secular India,
Hindu-majority areas belong to everyone but Muslim-majority areas belong to
Muslims only.
Amarnath cave, the abode of Lord Shiva, is one of the oldest and most
important Hindu pilgrimage centres. It is situated at an altitude of about
4000 metres in Kashmir. It is mentioned in ancient texts; and dates back to
thousands of years.
Sinister and self-defeating
Article 370 of Indian Constitution negates the very concept of one united
India. This Article is responsible for genocide and eviction of Hindus from
Kashmir, as also for Muslim separatism.
During 1980s and 1990s, Pakistan-sponsored terrorists killed thousands of
Hindus in Kashmir, and drove out several lakhs of terrorized Hindus from
Kashmir; and made Kashmir a Hindu-less region. Successive governments have
done nothing to rehabilitate Hindus in Kashmir; and to punish their
Though the unanimous February 22, 1994 Resolution of Indian Parliament
declares Jammu & Kashmir an integral part of India and demands vacation of
Pak-occupied Kashmir, special status conferred on Muslim majority Jammu &
Kashmir by Article 370 has created vicious problems.
Though Jammu & Kashmir is an integral part of India, even the President and
Prime Minister of India cannot purchase even one square inch of land in
Jammu & Kashmir because of Article 370. Moreover, though any person from
Jammu & Kashmir can settle anywhere in the rest of India, no person from
rest of the country can settle in Jammu & Kashmir because of Article 370.
Besides, many Central laws are not applicable to Jammu & Kashmir. This
Article limits the President and Parliament's powers over Jammu & Kashmir.
And being an outsider, even the Governor has no right to vote in Jammu &
Though Article 370 was inserted as a "temporary provision" in the
Constitution in 1950, it survives even now.
And opposition to land allotment for Hindu pilgrims is the latest reward of
this provision.
'Kashmiri nationalism'
Most of the Kashmiri Muslims treat J&K as an Islamic State in a 'secular'
India, and treat Hindu pilgrims to Amarnath as tress passers. Kashmiri
Muslims opposed this allotment of land since it was meant to provide
shelters for Hindu pilgrims. The government capitulated before the violent
protestors and revoked the allotment. This outrageous action shows pathetic
plight of Hindus in their own country.
Though 'secularism' implies separation of religion and State, and though a
'secular' State cannot reward or punish the people on the basis of their
religious affiliation, 'secularism' practised in India means anti-Hinduism.
With sub-zero temperatures, heavy rains and stormy weather during Amarnath
pilgrimage, some basic facilities like shelters for the pilgrims on way to
shrine are a must. The holy cave is accessible only during a short duration
every year. Due to lack of basic amenities, hundreds of pilgrims died in a
snow storm during this pilgrimage in 1996. Besides, many Amarnath pilgrims
have been attacked and killed by terrorists in Kashmir.
Fallacious pretensions advanced by Kashmiri leaders that the said lease of
land would change the demography and "eco-cultural character" of the state
are absurd. It is ludicrous to imagine that provision of temporary shelters
to Amarnath pilgrims would reduce Muslims to a minority in Kashmir, or would
destroy the environment. On the contrary, genocide and eviction of Hindus
has made Kashmir a Hindu-less region.
Opposition to allotment of land for Hindu pilgrims is described by Kashmiri
leaders as 'Kashmiri Nationalism' thereby implying that Kashmir is meant
only for Muslims.
Most of Kashmiri leaders support pro-Pakistan demands like joint Indo-Pak
control of Kashmir, demilitarisation of Jammu & Kashmir, legalizing
Pakistani currency and open borders.
Facilities for Haj pilgrims
Compare the Hindu pilgrim's pathetic plight with the amenities provided by
Central and State Governments to Indian Haj pilgrims.
Indian government provides substantial subsidy to Muslims for Haj though
even none of the 57 Muslim countries gives any such subsidy. Delhi airport
has a separate Haj terminal. And there is a separate Haj cell in the
ministry of external affairs. And many state governments have got Haj houses
built on land provided by state governments. And Indian government ensures
proper accommodation and safety of Indian Haj pilgrims in Saudi Arabia.
Special teams of doctors, nurses and Haj officers are sent from India to
Saudi Arabia to take proper care of Indian Haj pilgrims.
In contrast, Hindus have been denied even temporary shelters to save them
from heavy rain and snow when they visit their holy places in their own
Way out
Shocking message from Kashmir deserves a deterrent and resolute response.
Being a part of secular India, Kashmir cannot be just for Muslims.
The blunders of retaining Article 370 in the constitution, and not punishing
the criminals who killed thousands of Hindus and drove out lacs of Hindus
from Kashmir, are responsible for the catastrophe called 'Kashmiri
Daily Pak-Bangla terrorist and demographic invasion of India shows India's
pathetic plight. To save truncated India from demolition and dismemberment,
Hindus have to discard their conceptual confusion and dream world; and
become active and assertive.
Deplorable situation must be redeemed at the earliest. Lacs of Kashmiri
Hindus (who have been driven out of Kashmir) must be rehabilitated in
Kashmir; and their homes, lands, properties and places of worship restored
to them. Besides, since too much fraud has been perpetrated in the name of
fake 'secularism', Article 370 must be deleted to enable Indians from the
rest of India to settle in Kashmir the way Kashmiri Muslims are permitted to
settle in the rest of India. After these measures are taken, no one will
have the audacity to attack Hindu pilgrims or sabotage Hindu pilgrimages in
Much of the injury Hindus are suffering is self-inflicted because of their
capitulation before their tormentors. They must remember Shloka number 2.3
of Bhagvad Gita and fight for justice through all peaceful, constitutional
and lawful means, "Klaibyam ma sama gamah Partha naitatava yupapadyate /
Khshudram hrudaya dourbalyam tayaktvo uttishtha prantapa"  (O Partha, do not
yield to weakness. It is not worthy of you to yield to weakness. O scorchers
of foes, shake off faint-heartedness, and get up).
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Palash Biswas
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