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Friday, January 6, 2012

Little women crowned - School Girls with beauty & brains shine at talent hunt


Little women crowned
- School Girls with beauty & brains shine at talent hunt

Ananya Praharaj (sitting), winner of the Little Miss Sambalpur-2011 contest, poses with some of the other contestants. Telegraph picture

Nearly 50 girls aged between six and 11 participated in a beauty contest titled 'Little Miss Sambalpur-2011' in December 2011. It was held at the Sambalpur Kala Parishad.

After a preliminary "beauty-and-brains" round, 20 of the girls made it to the finale.

Ten-year-old Ananya Praharaj, with the perfect blend of wit, confidence and verve, won the title of 'Little Miss Sambalpur-2011' on December 25.

A Class V student of the St. Joseph Convent Higher Secondary School in Sambalpur, Ananya was over the moon and gushed: "What can I say? I am really very happy. During the talent round, I had shown some of my dance steps to the judges.

"I got the opportunity to exhibit my talent in front of a large audience. This has increased my confidence level. Moreover, I got the opportunity to make new friends. All the participants of the event were very talented."

The beauty contest for young girls was first organised in 2005.

"After receiving the application forms from the interested participants, we invite them for a one-day grooming class," said Priyabrata Pradhan, secretary of the organising committee.

Kids from Hirakud, Burla, Jharsuguda, Deogarh, Bargarh also participated in the contest.

On the final day, the contestants appeared for five rounds and sashayed the ramp in stylish dresses.

A panel of eminent artists judged them on three criteria — general knowledge, supplementary talent and IQ level.

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