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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Expose- Loksatta Party Anti -Women, Anti- SC/ST shaking hands with Hindutva forces #Vaw

Expose- Loksatta Party Anti -Women, Anti- SC/ST shaking hands with Hindutva forces #Vaw


Kamayani Bali Mahabal, Mumbai, April 20th 2013, Kractivism

Lok Satta is a political party in India, founded by Jayaprakash Narayan. Since 1996, theLok Satta Movement functioned as a non-governmental organization, but on 2 October 2006, the movement was reorganized into a formal political party. The party intends to further the causes of the Lok Satta Movement, including a reduction in the size of the cabinet, promotion of the Right to Information Act, and disclosure of criminal records and assets by political candidates. Beginning with the 2009 elections the party has adopted a whistle as their official symbol.

The aims and objectives of Lok Satta Party are:

  • To establish a new political culture which will place the citizen at the centre of governance;
  • To protect the unity and integrity of India at all times and create a secular and just republic in which the citizen will be the true sovereign;
  • To nurture, protect and promote the constitutional values of liberty, justice and equality for all;
  • To create a political, economic and social environment which will ensure equal opportunities for vertical mobility to all sections of society, irrespective of caste, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
  • To eliminate all forms of discrimination by birth and guarantee dignity and opportunity to every citizen irrespective of origin and status; and to promote social equality and justice and fully integrate all disadvantaged sections including dalits, adivasis and socially and economically backward classes; 
  • To ensure that every child, irrespective of her origins and socio-economic position, has reasonable access to quality education which will provide an opportunity to fulfill her true potential.
  • To build a viable and effective healthcare system which reaches every man, woman and child and guarantees good health to all, irrespective of economic status or birth;
  • To promote and implement policies aimed at rejuvenation of Indian agriculture, and substantial enhancement of rural incomes and improvement of quality of life;
  • To ensure that every young person acquires adequate knowledge and skills to make her a productive partner in wealth creation and thereby promote gainful employment and economic opportunities;
  • To ensure that every family,, rural or urban,, gets access to basic amenities of life including housing, sanitation and transport and opportunity for earning a decent livelihood;
  • To provide social security to the vast, underpaid, dispossessed and unorganized sector workers;
  • To empower women and provide opportunities for their economic, social and political advancement; 

  • To promote public awareness about democratic functioning of all institutions of governance and encourage reasoned debate and healthy public discourse.
  • To establish a people-centric democratic polity based on liberty, self-governance, empowerment of citizens, rule of law and self-correcting institutional mechanisms.
  • To work for fundamental political, electoral and governance reforms listed below:
    • Effective separation of legislature, executive and judiciary at all levels with appropriate checks and balances;
    • Political reforms which make elections truly democratic, representative and transparent; facilitate and promote the participation of men and women of integrity in the political process and curb electoral malpractices;
    • Effective empowerment of local governments at all levels in all respects as participative tiers of constitutional, democratic governance with their own legislature and executive, in a manner that authority and accountability fuse, and the link between vote and public good and taxes and services is fully established;
    • Speedy, accessible, effective and affordable justice at all levels to all citizens, irrespective of means and station at birth;
    • Insulate crime investigation from the vagaries of partisan politics and to make police effective, citizen friendly, accountable and just in all respects;
    • Combat corruption and mis-governance through an institutional framework which will enhance transparency and accountability at all levels of administration.
    • http://www.loksatta.org/

Loksatta Party of Karnataka candidates, Rupa Rani, a pharmacist from Rajajinagar, Sumitra Iyengar, Entrepreneur from Padmanabha Nagar, Shanthala Damle, software professional from Basavangudi, Sridhar Pabbisetty, COO, IIM-B from Hebbal and Dr Meenakshi Bharth, Fertility expert from Malleswaram addressing press conference announcing contesting the ensuing state assembly  elections at Press Club in Bengaluru on March 28, 2013


Phanisai Bharadwaj, their CANDIDATE for Bangalore South Assembly Constituency is ANTI-WOMEN and against SC/ ST reservation.

He is part of women-hating, so-called men's rights groups that seem to believe they're the oppressed sex and constantly spread mis/disinformation about women and laws meant to protect women (E.g. DV Act) from abuse of various kinds. He seems to be a contact person for the Centre for Men's Rights (http://menrights.org/).



Dr. Meenakshi Bharath, a long time social & civic activist, is now a Loksatta Candidate for MLA Malleswaram.

Dr Meenakshi Bharath is a Gynaecologist and Fertility specialist at Centre for Assisted Reproductive Techniques (CART), a green campaigner, an advocate for Clean Bangalore, a strident voice for garbage segregation and recycling and a relentless fighter to create visibility for the problems of voiceless people.

Dr Meenakshi believes that children and youth have the power to impact
India's future positively and works a lot with them. After so many years in public service, working on different domains such as voter list correction, solid waste management and health awareness campaigns, Dr Meenakshi feels privileged to have gained so many friends and well wishers, who have now become an invaluable part of her life.

Below is her wish for India ?  The Indiashe wants to see … rose petals being showered on RSS guys ??  WAH she shared on Facebook


Similarly for Rupa Rani , joins hand with all hindutva forces for holy cow. Rupa Rani is a pharmacy professional and passionate about governance and politics. As a member of Loksatta party, she believes that true change is possible when we change the political culture and the players.

Her website says as follows - http://www.shetrusts.org/

" Life without liberty is like a body without spirit " !

Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks. We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office. No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution… revolution is but thought carried into action.  My hope is that 10 years from now, after I've been across the street at work for a while, they'll all be glad they gave me that wonderful vote.


 She is running for
Office: MLA – Rajajinagar assembly constituency
District: rajaji nagar assembly constituency
Party: Loksatta

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