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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 01, Jan - 2011 Predictions

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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 1:10 AM
Subject: CC Issue 01, Jan - 2011 Predictions
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

2011 Predictions
By Sharon Astyk


2011 is the year the food crisis comes back. We're already seeing signs of it, and I think that the number of world hungry will spike again to over a billion. Energy and food prices will remain tightly intertwined, and whether we see major price spikes, demand destruction and a collapse of energy prices, or whatever else, food and energy will be increasingly hard to afford for a large portion of the world population, from the very poorest to the American and European middle class. Food will be an important site of the emergence of our energy and ecological crisis

Wikileaks, The United States, Sweden, And Devil's Island
By William Blum


The Wikileaks documents may not produce any world-changing revelations, but every day they are adding to the steady, gradual erosion of people's belief in the US government's good intentions, which is necessary to overcome a lifetime of indoctrination

Any Respect For International Law
Left In The US Congress?
By Franklin Lamb


Currently, there is only a faint hint that Members of Congress, 83% of whom rely on Israeli lobby or arms industry political action committee money to keep their seats and sinecures, have the gumption to advocate a U.S. policy, consistent with American notions of substantial justice or which upholds Palestinian rights as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Interim Forever!
By Uri Avnery


In practice, it is Netanyahu himself who is holding up the negotiations, because he refuses to freeze the settlements and he demands that the Palestinians recognize Israel as a "Jewish state". And even if negotiations were resumed, they would soon come up against a wall, because of our government's attitude towards East Jerusalem and the borders. So what remains? Interim forever!

Haiti's Elections: Illegitimately Recounting Fraud
By Stephen Lendman


Haiti's November 28 elections were irremediably fraudulent, farcical and outrageous. The entire process was rigged. New elections, including all excluded parties, are essential, but not planned. Instead, so-called independent OAS experts began recounting verification to legitimize fraud

Toilers' Torturous Time: A Glimpse Only
By Farooque Chowdhury


Labor, symbolized by the Chilean miners, stood as ever unvanquished in the days just left behind. Labor also paid high prices during the period, symbolized by the Bangladesh garments workers, who died in a fire incident. Labor the world over is passing days with declining wage in actual terms, facing persecution for demanding implementation of rights essential for its survival

Unity In 2011
By Timothy V. Gatto


I see a year coming that will not be much different than the one we just went through. The only way I see the American Middle Class surviving is if we stop this transfer of wealth from the Middle Class to the rich. So far, since 2008, it has been the largest transfer of wealth in history. The only way that the American Middle Class will survive is if we act in unity. The two political parties that are in power will do nothing for those that don't have the money to pay for it

10 Great Progressive Moments Of 2010
By Mary Shaw


Here are my 10 favorite political moments of 2010, in chronological order

Debating Jihad
By Yoginder Sikand


Contrary to popularly held views about jihad is what some Muslim scholars insist is the true Quranic understanding of the term: struggle or sincere and sustained efforts in the path of God. Such jihadic struggles and efforts, they point out, need not necessarily be directed against non-Muslims, and they are also not necessarily all violent

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Palash Biswas
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