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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 26 Dec- Mockery of Justice

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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 6:55 PM
Subject: CC Issue 26 Dec- Mockery of Justice
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Dr Binayak Sen's Conviction And Life Sentence Mock Justice
By Amnesty International


The life sentence handed down against Dr Binayak Sen by a court in the India state of Chhattisgarh violates international fair trial standards and is likely to enflame tensions in the conflict-affected area

Life Of And For Comrade Binayak Sen
By Farzana Versey


There will be an appeal against this judgement. But, it is a sad state of affairs when after 1000 pages of the charge-sheet, the Indian courts come out the worse for the wear. There is nothing that reveals that Comrade Binayak Sen has betrayed the country. The judiciary has

Undo The Misdeed


PUDR strongly protests against the verdict of the Sessions Court at Raipur. We demand that the judiciary take suo moto notice of this grave miscarriage of justice and take measures to undo the misdeed that this verdict involves. PUDR also demands that governments stop taking recourse the use of sedition and special laws for silencing dissent and criminalising human rights activity to cover up their own crimes

Merry Christmas Dr. Binayak Sen
By Karthick RM


Love and serve the poor. That is the crime Dr. Binayak Sen is guilty of. The place of his work is what we, the comfortably settled urban middle class, would call hell. Dirt, disease, starvation and poverty filled districts of Chhattisgarh. The wretched place cries, it shrieks for attention. And as an individual, Dr. Sen dedicated the best part of his life giving precisely that. Attention and care. Indeed, like Christ, Dr. Sen was a healer. Literally

M.K Gandhi On His Conviction For Sedition
By Mahatma Gandhi


M.K Gandhi On His Conviction For Sedition: A selection from Gandhi's closing statement to the judge on March 23, 1922

A Mother's Appeal
By Anasuya Sen


An appeal from Dr. Binayak Sen's mother

They're 'Slow-Torturing' Bradley Manning
Right Under Our Noses
By John Grant


There are two sides to the Bradley Manning/WikiLeaks story, one legal and one moral. The United States government is playing the legal game because it has a lot to hide under its overwhelming regime of secrecy, which of course is all legal. Evidence suggests they are employing nefarious methods to crush a key voice on the moral side of the dialogue

Jesus Was Palestinian And Why It Matters
By Jehanzeb Dar


Because of modern alarmist reactions to the word "Palestine," many non-Arabs and non-Muslims take offense when it is argued that Jesus was a Palestinian (peace be upon him). Jesus' ethnicity, skin color, and culture often accompany this conversation, but few people are willing to acknowledge the fact he was non-European. A simple stroll down the Christmas aisle will show you the dominant depiction of Jesus: a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white man

Invisible Bethlehem
By Lamis Andoni


As Christians flock to the birthplace of Jesus, the plight of the city's Palestinian inhabitants goes unnoticed

A Palestinian Appeal To Europe
To Recognize The Free Palestine
By Salim Nazzal


In memory of the 1400 palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli troops like these days two years ago

Rising Poverty In America And Israel
By Stephen Lendman


Nearly one-third of US families struggle to meet basic needs and 1.77 million Israelis are poor. About 850,000 Israeli children live in poverty, and 75% of impoverished Israelis miss meals because of cost, a 21% increase from 2009

Watching Men At Work Destroy The World
By Steve Salmony


The current primrose path to the future could be abandoned before it is too late to make necessary behavior changes to sustainable lifestyles and right-sized enterprises

Fear Over Konkan
By Prabhat Sharan


Natives of Jaitapur in Konkan-the green ribbon which runs across the coastline of Maharashtra, is flaming red. The anger of people is expanding against Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant

Kashmir And WikiLeaks
By Tariq Shah


The weighty truth is causing massive leaks of the shaky lies

Kashmir: State And Academia At Loggerheads
By Inshah Malik


The academic space is fast shrinking in Kashmir. Recently, the alarmed state's intervention has been about the concerned matters of academia, it has booked professors for 'politicizing education' others are under scrutiny on the questions of 'morality'

2010: Another Hard Year For American Muslims
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali


Recent episodes symbolize the dilemma of the seven-million-strong American Muslim community more than nine years after the 9/11 tragedy. Such frequent episodes are the result of almost a decade old demonization of Islam and Muslims by increasingly aggressive far-right groups and government-stocked xenophobia about Muslims

Supporters Demand Justice For Aafia Siddiqui
By Stephen Lendman


Wrongfully persecuted, she was sentenced to 86 years in prison on September 23, 2010, a gross miscarriage of justice since her March 30, 2003 abduction, imprisonment, torture and witch-hunt prosecution, providing no evidence whatever to convict

Resisting Tyranny: A Universal Right
By Stephen Lendman


Israel's new referendum law defines Jerusalem as its "eternal and indivisible" capital, as well as requiring a two-thirds Knesset majority to cede East Jerusalem land to the Palestinians or in Golan to Syria. Failing that, either withdrawal would be subject to a national referendum. In other words, Jews alone will decide whether or not to return some stolen land. Those losing it have no say

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Palash Biswas
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