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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 27 Dec- An Open Letter From Gaza: Two Years After The Massacre

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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 2:40 AM
Subject: CC Issue 27 Dec- An Open Letter From Gaza: Two Years After The Massacre
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com

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If you think the content of this news letter is critical for the dignified living and survival of humanity and other species on earth, please forward it to your friends and spread the word.It's time humanity should come together as one family! You can subscribe to our news letter here http://www.countercurrents.org/subscribe.htm

In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Oil Sands To Boom: Internal Federal Report
By Stanley Tromp


Expect a rise in greenhouse-gas emitting heavy crude oil production in North America, says federal government report

An Open Letter From Gaza: Two Years After
The Massacre,
A Demand For Justice


We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, on this day, two years on from Israel's genocidal attack on our families, our houses, our roads, our factories and our schools, are saying enough inaction, enough discussion, enough waiting – the time is now to hold Israel to account for its ongoing crimes against us

The Gaza Massacre And The Struggle For Justice
By Ali Abunimah


The Gaza massacre, which Israel launched two years ago today, did not end on 18 January 2009, but continues. It was not only a massacre of human bodies, but of the truth and of justice. Only our actions can help bring it to an end

The Drums of War Are Heard Again In Israel
By Ilan Pappe


The drums of war are heard again in Israel and they are sounded because once more Israel's invincibility is in question. Despite the triumphant rhetoric in the various media commemorative reports, two years after 'Cast Lead', the sense is that that campaign was as much of a failure as was the second Lebanon war of 2006

Peace On Earth, Even In Palestine!
By Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD


Here in Bethlehem were we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, we yearn for a just and durable peace. Like that good teacher 2000 years ago that spoke truth to power without worrying about reprisal, we believe the power structures will collapse and the word of truth will remain and grow. We will thus continue to work to build bridges and challenge walls (both physical and metaphysical). We believe peace based on justice for the dispossessed Palestinians will be good for all people who inhabit this historically burdened land and for the world at large

The Awful Truth Must Stop
Global Gasland Disaster
By Dr Gideon Polya


Top climate scientists say that the World must stop carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions by 2050 and that top per capita polluters such as Australia and the US must stop by 2020. However Australia and the US are involved in a Planet-threatening, greenhouse gas polluting gas rush and gas boom, the effects of which on America have been devastatingly described in the recent movie Gasland. I have set out below an informational resource that can help enable sidelined scientists and concerned citizens to unite on this issue – the awful truth can and must stop the terracidal, global Gasland disaster

Indian Temperatures Could Rise Significantly
By 2030, New Study Shows
By Yale Environment 360


A new report forecasts that average temperatures in India could climb 2 degrees C (3.6 F) within two decades, with even higher temperatures projected for some coastal regions. According to the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment

A Critique Of Binayak Sen's Judgment
By Ilinia Sen, Sudha Bharadwaj & Kavita Srivastava


A ninety two page judgement was delivered by Judge BP Verma on the 24 December, 2010. What follows is a quick analysis of the facts of the case and the judgement that has finally been delivered

The Trial of Binayak Sen
By Jyoti Punwani


Going through the trial proceedings makes one laugh at the kind of evidence the Chhattisgarh police have managed to gather against Binayak Sen, writes Jyoti Punwani

A Strange Democracy
By M J Akbar


India has become a strange democracy where Binayak Sen gets life in jail and dacoits get a life in luxury

Not To Question Why
By Ramachandra Guha


Sen's conviction happened in a court subject to intimidation by a government run by (and I use the word advisedly) paranoid politicians (helped by sometimes paranoid police officers). His conviction will and should be challenged. As it stands, however, it is a disgrace to democracy

Binayak Sen: A Victim Of Unfair Trial
By SP Kalantri


In December 2010, our worst fears turned true. If activists like Binayak are sent to prison in a democratic country, who would work for the marginalized and socially disadvantaged?

2011: A Brave New Dystopia
By Chris Hedges


The façade is crumbling. And as more and more people realize that they have been used and robbed, we will move swiftly from Huxley's "Brave New World" to Orwell's "1984." The public, at some point, will have to face some very unpleasant truths. The good-paying jobs are not coming back

Wikileaks Memos Reveal U.S. Gov't Pushing
Gene-Altered Crops Worldwide
By Emily Main


U.S. officials have reached out to agriculture secretaries across the globe in order to speed adoption of genetically engineered crops, according to leaked documents

Bradley Manning's Pre-Trial Punishment
By Mary Shaw


I get the impression that the military is trying to get some extrajudicial revenge on Manning. And this is another glaring example of how prisoner rights, the law, and true justice have all taken a back seat since George W. Bush declared his "war on terror". This is what America has become. And we don't have Bush to blame for it now

Iraqi Cabinet Established
Nine Months After Election
By James Cogan


The Iraqi parliament ratified Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's new cabinet on Tuesday, more than nine months after the March 7 election. Its composition conforms to US demands that Maliki give cabinet posts to all the main ethno-sectarian factions in the parliament and senior positions to the Sunni-based Iraqiya alliance led by former CIA asset Ayad Allawi

Onion Crisis Was Stage Managed
By Devinder Sharma


Now it can be told. Onion crisis was stage managed to justify the approval for FDI in multi-brand retail

Politics Around Farmer Suicides.
To Whose Benefit?
By Devinder Sharma


Let me acknowledge that Chandrababu Naidu is the only political leader who has taken this important step to draw the nation's attention to the plight of the farming community. Naidu succeeded where other farmer leaders failed. I have always wondered why have the farmer leaders (who claim to be non-political) failed to sit on a nationwide indefinite fast to demand better conditions for the farming community

Obama Year Two: Continued Betrayal
And Failure (Part I)
By Stephen Lendman


The worst of bad practices will continue, besides teams of lawyers devising ways around whatever regulations emerge. According to University of San Diego Law Professor Frank Partnoy, "Wall Street has always been very skilled at getting around rules, and this law will be no different," especially with its loopholes, half-measures, and overall weakness. Bankers got the best deal big money can buy. The public again was scammed

Injustice For All: Obama's Immigration Agenda
By Stephen Lendman


Since taking office, Obama achieved the impossible - compiling a worse record than his fiercest critics feared, worse than George Bush across the board on domestic and foreign policies

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Palash Biswas
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