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Friday, January 6, 2012

Lok Satta Party - Promoting Young and Fresh Political Leaders - After fighting for Chennai Mayoral Elections, 29 Year Old Now Leads LSP - TN - New Executive Committee and Working Committee of Lok Satta Party - Tamil Nadu elected on 3rd Jan, 2012

 Lok Satta Party - Promoting Young and Fresh Political Leaders - After fighting for Chennai Mayoral Elections, 29 Year Old Now Leads LSP - TN - New Executive Committee and Working Committee of Lok Satta Party - Tamil Nadu elected on 3rd Jan, 2012

   "New beginning in Tamil Nadu"


"New Politics for New Generations - Creating 21st Century Politics for 21st Century" 



Dear Team,


As Lok Satta Party's Tamil Nadu unit is progressing rapidly -


(Though political outcomes are still away and distant in FPTP system - We recommend"NO DESPAIR"!!  - BSP took 25 years though they used all traditional methods of money/muscle power and vote bank politics. However, we must be sure that our path is right and we are sure about it – we are also sure that this time it will not take 25 years but max next ten years)


- towards establishing itself as legitimate alternative to the traditional political parties, we must also ensure that all of us not only get aligned to LSP's ideology, agenda of reforms, economic policies and style of functioning -


At the same time, it is also important that we must work as a well organized unit and conduct our self in a most elegant and restraint manner to differentiate on one hand from other traditional political parties and on the other from activist NGOs and individual activists.  


Accordingly, we are pleased to inform that Lok Satta Party, Tamil Nadu State – General Council  (All executive members of Tamil Nadu for the time being), in its meeting on Tuesday 3rd Jan, 2012 has elected  their executive committee and working committee as under;


This election is only valid till the first formal secret ballot elections through STV system (upon achieving the critical numbers of executive members in Tamil Nadu Sate as per LSP's constitution for the above committee(s). This secret ballot election will be held under the supervision of LSP's independent election authority.


According to Tamil Nadu general council decision two decision making bodies have started functioning in Tamil Nadu as under:


Working Committee - for day - to - day functioning;


·     Shri D.Jagadheeswaran - President

·     Shri Senthil Kumar Arumugam  - General Secretary

·     CA. Sandeep Koonaparaju - Treasurer

·     Shri Ashok Rajendran - Official Spokes Person and Head of Media Cell

·     Shri Siva Elango- Secretary (organisation)

  • Ms. Elizebeth Seshadry - Secretary (Legal)

·     Shri Praveen Radhakrishnan - Secretary (Training)

·     Shri Paari - Secretary  (Membership)

·     Shri G. Nandha Kumar  - Secretary (Publications)

·     Shri Palani - Secretary (Technical)

·     Shri S. T. Mahesh Kumar - Secretary - (Research & Advocacy)

·     Ms. Lily Paulraj - Secretary (Events)

·     Shri Surendra Srivastava - National General Secretary - Invitee for the time being OR his nominee. Shri Srivastava has nominated senior Lok Satta Party leader Shri  J.Venkateswarlu from AP as his nominee

Working committee has the authority to create any other office bearer post in consultation with the National unit.

Working committee has the authority to constitute sub committees to assist its functioning.

The General Secretary in consultation with the President may call for the meetings of working committee as many times as required but not less than one physical meeting in a calendar month. The minutes shall be recorded by the General Secretary and circulated.  


Executive Committee - for implementation of policies and strategies;


·     Shri D.Jagadheeswaran - President

·     Shri Senthil Kumar Arumugam  - General Secretary

·     CA. Sandeep Koonaparaju  - Treasurer

·     Shri Ashok Rajendran - Official Spokes Person and Head of Media Cell

·     Shri Siva Elango - Secretary (organization)

·     Ms. Elizebeth Seshadry - Secretary (Legal)

·     Shri Praveen Radhakrishnan - Secretary (Training)

·     Shri A. Paari - Secretary  (Membership)

·     Shri G. Nandha Kumar  - Secretary (Publications)

·     Shri Palani - Secretary (Technical)

·     Shri S.T. Mahesh Kumar - Secretary - (Research & Advocacy)

·     Ms. Lily Paulraj - Secretary (Events)

·     President(s) of  all immediate next intermediary units - ex officio Members i.e 32 District Units

·     General Secretary (s) of all immediate next intermediary units - ex officio Members i.e 32 District Units

·     President (s) of all LSPs frontal organization(s) like Mahila Satta, Yuva Satta, Sarvajana Satta, Vidyarthi Satta, Upadhyaya Satta etc.

·     General Secretary (s) of all LSPs frontal organisation (s) like Mahila Satta, Yuva Satta, Sarvajana Satta, Vidyarthi Satta, Upadhyaya Satta etc. 

·     Shri Surendra Srivastava - National General Secretary - Permanent Invitee OR his nominee. Shri Srivastava has nominated senior Lok Satta Party leader Shri  J.Venkateswarlu from AP as his nominee

Executive committee has the authority to co-opt any other executive member to the Executive committee in consultation with the National unit.


The General Secretary in consultation with the President may call for the meetings of executive committee as many times as required but not less than one physical meeting in three calendar months. The minutes shall be recorded by the General Secretary and circulated.

Let us wish our Tamil Nadu - Lok Satta Party Unit the successes and may this team leads that change in country beginning from Tamil Nadu.

Surendra Srivastava
Volunteer - Lok Satta Aandolan
The Answer to "Bad Politics" is "Good Politics"  Not "No Politics"  - Dr. JP, Lok Satta Aandolan
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