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Friday, January 6, 2012

“Sithaikkappatta Manudam-Oru TADA Kaithiyin Kumuralgal” “Report of Public Inquest on the Paramakudi Firing - Tamil Version”

Dear friends,


I have attached the Invitation for the book release function to be held at ICSA Centre, Pantheon Road on 08.01.2012 at 4p.m.


The following books will be released


"Sithaikkappatta Manudam-Oru TADA Kaithiyin Kumuralgal"


"Report of Public Inquest on the Paramakudi Firing - Tamil Version"


We are anticipating your participation.


With regards,

Henri Tiphagne


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Paramakudi Thuppakki Soodu - Arikkai.jpg Paramakudi Thuppakki Soodu - Arikkai.jpg
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Sithaikkappatta Maanudam.JPG Sithaikkappatta Maanudam.JPG
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Invitation - Book Release.pdf Invitation - Book Release.pdf
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