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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

All India BAMCEF Unification Conference

Venue: Dr.Babasahab Ambedkar Bhavan, Gokuldas Pasta Road, Dadar(E), Mumbai - 400 014.
Date: 2-3 March, 2013                                         Time: 10.30AM to 6.30PM
All India BAMCEF Unification Conference
    Date : January 1, 2013    
On the 26 day of January, 1950 the Indian Constitution drafted by Mahamanav Bharat Ratna Dr. Babasaheb 
Ambedkar  came  into  force. With  the  inception  of  this  Constitution,  the  2000  years  old rule  of  inhumane,  torturous, 
barbarian, malevolent Manu-Smriti was set to an end. With this, the Shudras (OBCs) and Ati-shudras (SC/ST) those who 
were living nothing less than bonded slaves and worst than the street dogs or dumb and driven animals were bestowed 
with the Right to Education. On getting the right to education many Shudras and Ati-shudras got educated and reached 
high posts of authorities in various institutions throughout the country. Not only did they reach posts of dignity and authority 
but one Atishudra amongst these shudras and atishudras went on to become the President of India, the highest post in the 
India. One amongst these Ati-Shudras whose hundreds of generations had striven in the mush of inequality and slavery - 
an untouchable of the degraded social order could march his way to become the Chief Justice of India. Brothers & Sister 
this miracle could happen only and only due to the herculean struggle fought by our great Mulnivasi Mahapurush and the 
implementation of the World renowned "Indian Constitution" based on equality, fraternity, justice and liberty written by 
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar – The Father of Indian Constitution.
        The great visionary, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar had time and again warned us that – "…. if you forget history, 
history would repeat itself for which you and only you would be held responsible for the disastrous plights".
Brothers & Sisters, remember the history of 2500 years ago, Mahamanav Gautam Buddha and Mahamanav Mahavir 
started a social revolution due of which the entire Indian sub-continent got liberated from the clutches of the cunning, crafty, 
unscrupulous non-indigenous Aryan invaders. Only after this great victory of liberation a Shudra could march ahead to 
become the Samrat of the Indian sub-continent. With the ethical values of equality, fraternity, justice and liberty these great 
and powerful Shudra rulers ruled the Indian sub-continent country for so many decades, which is unparallel in world history. 
But the cunning and unscrupulous non-indigenous Aryan invaders could not see and digest the all round development, 
enrichment of indigenous Indians and these crafty conspirators hatched a cruel conspiracy of counter-revolution due to 
which the Mulnivasi indigenous people of Indian subcontinent again got enslaved in the treacherous brahmanical social 
order for more than 2000 years which subjected them to strive below sub-human conditions, worst than the lowest rung of 
animals. To make mockery of the indigenous Indians this dark, tortuous and derogatory period of history for Indian 
Mulnivasis was coined as Golden Period of history by the invader Aryan Brahmins. Now the same Brahmins ruling class in 
India are projecting to make our country "Great" by the year 2020, coining it as Vision-2020. But by taking hard lessons 
from the history of counter-revolution, there is only one and one conclusion to be drawn from their treacherous projection 
and that is these invader Brahmin ruling castes wants to replace the world renowned Indian Constitution which is standing 
firmly on the foundation of equality, fraternity, justice and liberty with the inhumane, torturous, barbarian and malevolent 
Manu-Smriti.  They  want  to  ransack  the  democratic  values  of  Indian  Constitution  and  substitute  a  system  through 
conspiracy that would give uncontrollable, unlimited and unrestricted power to the Brahmins and brahminical forces of 
Congress and BJPfor hundreds of years to come.
If the brahmins  succeed in  carrying out this 'Vision - 2020'  slaughter programme, hundred  crore Mulnivasis 
(SC,ST,OBC  and  converted  minorities)  population  of  India  would  be  disfranchised  from  their  right  to  education, 
employment and would be bound to live in subsistence as slaves in accordance with the rule of the filthy Manusmriti. The 
tribals trying to protect their rights of forest land would be killed through conspiracy by terming them as naxalites or will be 
kept at bounded slaves. The scheduled caste people would be debarred from their villages and once again forced to tie the 
'Matka' round their neck and a 'Jhadu' on their back. We are sure you will not believe on what we are stating. The most 
saddening part is that leave aside the illiterates even the so- called highly educated ones amongst us on high posts and 
positions are not able to understand or analyse what is going on in this country against us since the past 12 years. 
Though  Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar  has  warned  us  against  forgetting  history,  we  are  once  again making  an 
extremely suicidal blunder.  2000 years ago, before the scandalous counter revolution took place in India the plight of the 
indigenous Indians was just the same. Though our forefathers were Emperors, affluent, empowered and intelligent  but 
they  still  miserably  failed  to  understand  the  brahminical  conspiracy  of  counter-revolution  which  enslaved  them  for 
thousands of years. In comparison to our great forefathers we are nothing but merely clerks or at the most 'Head' clerks, as 
on today. Even some of us who are sitting on high positions, have only position but absolutely no Power in hand. Once 
again the same brahminical counter-revolution is knocking at our doors, but leave aside fighting against it, we are not even 
aware of this invading danger. Unaware of the pertinent threat before us, we cannot even say that the Indian mulnivasis are 
To mobilize the fragmented BAMCEF organizations for unification and to pave the path for nationwide mass 
movement to achieve the ultimate goal of BAMCEF and destroy the shackles of slavery once and for all we have arranged 
nd rd
for a historical two days "All India BAMCEF Unification Conference" which will be held on 2 and 3 March,2013 at Mumbai.  
We invite you with open arms to be a witness of this historical happening and we solicit your participation in this program 
with all your support.
Jai Mulnivasi !                                                                               
1. Dr Gunadhar Barman (President, 
Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj sangh)
2. Vijay Kujur (National Vice-President, 
Akhil Bhartiya Adivasi Mahasabha)
3. Sher Singh Boudh (Ex State President , 
4. Khokan Maitra (General Secretary, 
Mulnivasi Bahujan Samaj Sangh)
5. Chaman Lal (Ex-C.E.C. Member, 
6. Tejpal Singh (Ex-Full Timer, BAMCEF, 
7. P. K. Roy (Senior Activist, BAMCEF)
8. Ramesh Chand Chouhan (Senior 
Activist, BAMCEF, Gujarat)
9. Piyush Gayan (Executive President, 
Mulnivasi Samitee, kolkatta)
10. Bhaskar Wakde (Rashtriya Adivasi Ekta 
Parishad, Maharashtra)
11. Rajesh Walde (Ex-Full Timer, BAMCEF, 
12. Tapan Kumar Mondal (Publisher, 
Atmnirikshak monthly, Kolkatta)
13. Plash Biswas (Senior Activist, BAMCEF)
14. Sanjay Somkuwar (Ex-President, 
BAMCEF, Mumbai)
15. Shyambhai Beradia (Senior Activist, 
BAMCEF, Gujarat)
16. Sardar Sohan Singh (Senior Activist, 
BAMCEF, Punjab)
17. Azad Singh Dabas (I.F.S. , Madhya 
18. Satish Mehra (Senior Activist, BAMCEF, 
19. Manoj Motgare (Ex-Vice President, 
BAMCEF, Mumbai)
20. Lt. Col. Siddharth Barve  (Ex-President, 
BAMCEF, Mumbai)
21. Professor RamaKant Thakur (Ex-General 
Secretary, BAMCEF, UP)
22. A.U.Makhwana (Senior Activist, 
BAMCEF, Retired Custom Officer)
23. Shivani Biswas (Senior Activist, 
BAMCEF, Mumbai)
24. Vijay Sahare (Senior Activist, BAMCEF, 
25. Bheru Lal Nama (Senior Activist, 
BAMCEF, Badmer, Rajasthan)
26. B.Ramprasad (Ex-Vice President, 
BAMCEF, Mumbai)
27. K.R Hindra (Senior Activist, BAMCEF, 
28. Dr Vinod Kumar (Senior Activist, 
BAMCEF, Kanpur)
29. Abhiram Malik (Convenor, Mulnivasi 
Samta Parishad, Orrissa)
30. Ujjwal Biswas (Co-Convenor, Mulnivasi 
Samta Parishad, Orrissa)
31. Ajay Kumar (Ex-Convenor, Bharat Mukti 
Morcha, Jharkhand)
32. N.B. Gaikwad (Senior Activist, BAMCEF, 
33. Sudhir Klabshkar (Ex-General Secretary, 
BAMCEF, Navi Mumbai)
34. P.B. Salvi (Ex-President, BAMCEF, 
35. Dr B. D. Chhaya (Senior Activist, 
BAMCEF, Gujarat)
36. Abdul Shukoor (Senior Activist, BAMCEF, 
South India)
37. Sarnath Gaikwad (Ex-Full Timer, 
38. Dr Rajesh Karankal (Senior 
Activist,BAMCEF,Mumbai)sleeping.  Since the  last 12 years life sustaining vital organs of our body are slowly being removed one by one through 
conspiracy, but neither are we opposing it nor capable of running an effective movement to counter it, which clearly means 
that we the mulnivasis are not sleeping anymore but have already slipped into Coma (clinical death). 
While drafting the Indian Constitution Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has given an extremely prominent position to State 
Socialism in the fundamental framework of the Constitution. He was well aware of the looting of the State industries and 
other State resources by Brahmin-Bania duo in the country and therefore he was of the view that this deceitful looting 
process may escalate in leaps and bounds after the Britishers would leave the country. Hence to safeguard the interest of 
the indigenous Mulnivasi people from being striven off with hunger at the hand of Brahman-Bania combine he not only 
submitted the master piece "States and Minorities" memorandum but also ensured State Socialism constitutionally by 
cleverly inserting Article 39(b) and Article 39(c) in the Indian Constitution.  Article 39(b) of the Constitution binds the 
Government constitutionally to maintain an equilibrium in distribution of States wealth and other resources among its 
citizens  and  to  ensure  that  it  should  always  be  in  the  interest  of  its  common  citizens,  whereas Article  39(c)  of  the 
Constitution restricts the Government from taking any economic policy decision whereby the State's wealth and resources 
could be concentrated in the hands of few corrupt and private capitalists. The Manuvadi Congress, BJP along with other 
political parties led by Brahmins altogether crashed the very fundamental structure and concept of State Socialism in the 
Indian Constitution. In the last 60 years these casteist forces conspicuously and cleverly opted for brahmins or individual 
with brahminical mindset as the head of prominent Government companies, Banks, Insurance and other Government 
institutions. And  in  last  12  years  these Brahmin  heads  or  heads  with  brahminical mindset  in  concurrence  with  the 
Congress, BJP and other brahminical political parties have sold 14 prominent major Government companies at the hands 
of  native  and  alien  blood-thirsty  Bania  wolves  supporting  brahminical  ideologies,  just  for  peanuts.  Not  only  many 
Mulnivasis  were  working  in  these Government  companies  and  earning  their  bread  and  butter  with  due respect  but 
simultaneously through their rigorous and honest labour they were making  Lakhs of Crores as profit to the Government of 
India. We know that you will not believe this, but just go and see, GVK has become the owner of Mumbai Airport, Delhi 
airport has been sold to GMR and the prestigious Government company BALCO, which was nothing less than the Hen 
laying golden eggs for the country was mercilessly sold to an alien blood thirsty  NRI Bania - Anil Agarwal. Notwithstanding 
this, even the most confidential and critical Government department which issues Passport to the citizens of India has been 
handed over or mortgaged to another alien aryan – the Tatas through its company named TCS. Dear brothers and sisters, 
in last 12 years more than 6 Lakhs Mulnivasi Bahujan employees who were working in these 14 Government companies 
and Railways have been deprived off their rightful employment. We are not even aware of the fact that these retrenched 6 
Lakhs employees after losing their jobs ran from pillar to post for survival of themselves and their family members but in 
vein. No one is even aware when most of these people and their families perished from the face of the earth and the ones 
who are left behind are merely subsisting in an extremely pathetic and a life much below the poverty line conditions. 
Since 13 may, 2005 the most murderous Banking Regulation Amendment Bill which was introduced in the 
Parliament could not be passed till the end of 2012. The Congress, BJP and other political parties led by brahmins were 
fully aware of disastrous consequences that may fall on the indigenous mulnivasi employees if this bill is passed.  These 
political parties were frightened to imagine their plight and even lose their power over this country, if the common man of 
this country comes to know the details of this bill. The sole objective of this Bill is to sell our 27 Government nationalized 
banks at the hands of foreign capitalists where our more than 10 Lakhs indigenous Mulnivasi employees are employed and 
which are running in Lakhs of Crores of profits every year. The pressure of foreign power lobbies and their blood-thirsty 
capitalists had starting mounting beyond proportions.  The 2014 General elections are ahead for which Congress, BJPand 
other political parties led by Brahmins will  require Lakhs of Crores of rupees to win this most crucial and gruesome General 
election, which is going to be provided by these foreign capitalists hounds. Therefore, the Congress and BJP hatched a 
dangerous and deceitful conspiracy to get this Banking Amendment Bill passed. Under the dangerous plot a innocent lady 
was made victim of a gang rape in broad day-light in the heart of the country and as deliberately and treacherously 
designed the Brahmin-Bania press and electronic media was made to create an atmosphere of unprecedented upheaval 
in public at large and behind this smoke screen of tension and turmoil the crafty ruling castes combine got the Banking 
Regulation Amendment Bill passed without any fuss or furrower in the Parliament. Neither the media raised a voice of 
concern nor do our stupid mulnivasi people sensed the danger while they were very cunningly and deliberately engaged by 
the Congress Government in the mirage like struggle of getting reservation in promotion. 
The Congress and BJP combine have joined hands together and they have very deceitfully planned to sell-off and 
privatize all the Government companies such as Petroleum – Refineries & Marketing, Power – Generation & Distribution, 
Land and Sea Ports, PSU nationalized Banks, LIC, GIC, Steal, Coal and many more at dirt cheap rate to the native and 
alien Brahman-Bania capitalist wolves. The only and sole objective behind  selling the country's Silver at the rate of white 
metal is to nullify the effect of our great forefather's struggle, starve the 100 crores aboriginal  mulnivasi Bahujans to death 
and those who would still manage to survive to be enslaved and degraded to worst then any scavenger animal for 
thousands of years.
Brothers and sisters, at this moment, far and wide there is no organization in view in the aboriginal Bahujan Samaj 
which is in  position to counter or stop the sinister plan of the invader ruling castes and their brutal programme of 'vision 
2020' which is intended to crush us under slavery. With due respect, we would like to state that the present hundreds of 
various mulnivasi bahujan organizations which are into existence, does not even have the capability to understand the 
severity of the Brahmin killer agenda. In such a diabolic and precarious situation we are left out with one and only ray 
of hope and a light at the end of the tunnel and that is – the BAMCEF Organization. Even if the original objective of 
the  BAMCEF  organization  while  its  inception  took  place  can  be  conscientiously  implemented,  these  very 
objectives posses the potential & capability  to counter, stop and destroy the murderous counter revolution 
program of the invader brahmin ruling castes. 
Our greatest visionary Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar constantly use to say "Let the slave be made aware of his 
slavery, he will surely raise a revolt to free himself and his society…". Leave apart the illiterate ones in the society 
even if we continuously and devotedly strive to make the educated and literate in the society realize about the 
ongoing slavery on us, it will take nothing less than 10 or more years for them to understand the same and we do 
not have more than 4 to 5 years of period left to stop the assault of counter revolution. In such a unpromising 
situation ahead of us, we can fall back only and only on the cadre based, trained, honest and dedicated activists, full 
–timers and well wishers of BAMCEF, who are thoroughly aware of this grave situation that they are still slaves in this 
country and the sole and utmost objective of their life is to get freedom for themselves and the Mulnivasi society, as a whole. 
But dear brothers and sisters, the most heartbreaking and disgraceful thing is that this revolutionary organization BAMCEF 
born with one and only objective to bring about social revolution in this country and destroy the shackles of our slavery has 
been fragmented into many small pieces. Each piece of fragmented BAMCEF is hysterically trying to claim that they are the 
only  genuine  organization  for  which  they  are  trying  their  level  best  to  deceive  the  mulnivasi  masses  using  false 
propaganda. Each piece of BAMCEF has gone to the extent of becoming die hard enemy of the other piece. None of the 
BAMCEF piece seems to be authentically heading towards achieving the fundamental objective of raising a nationwide 
mass agitation for complete social revolution which the great founding fathers of BAMCEF had so laboriously built. Each 
piece is busy fooling and looting the scarce economic resources of the poor mulnivasi samaj either by endlessly quoting 
movements of our great forefathers or giving false and fraudulent data on geographical and social networking under the 
pretext of raising the morals of poor, helpless and ignorant mulnivasi masses. The head of some of these pieces are so 
treacherous that they go on to the extent of mischievously quoting escalated, vague and false monetary donation (Andolan 
nidhi)  figures  to  their  unmindful  well  wishers  and  thus maliciously  play  with  the  feelings  of  the  honest  and  sincere 
mulnivasis,  who  fall  prey  to  these  wicked  and  unscrupulous  traps.  Some  heads  of  the  BAMCEF  piece  are  found 
shamelessly and scandalously diverting organization funds for buying personal properties and real estate under the garb 
of trust activities which are closely controlled by few of his equally shameless tools. Due to such antisocial, disruptive, selfcentered and irresponsible so-called BAMCEF leaders, many sincere, highly qualified, devoted  cadres, activists, well 
wishers and full timers of the organization have disappointingly disassociated themselves from the organization and are 
either hopelessly sitting at home or are leading some small ineffective local organizations. It pains to learn that today there 
are substantially large number of full timers who have had sacrificed their happiness, trained cadres, highly qualified and 
devoted activists sitting disappointingly outside the organization than the number of activists that are working with these 
fragmented BAMCEF pieces.
Our dear most activist Brothers and sisters, if you want to save the rightful employment of more than 2 crore 
indigenous mulnivasi people serving in 240 Government Companies, 27 PSU Banks, LIC, GIC, Indian Railways and  other 
Government sectors along with the employment of 47 crore mulnivasi people working in unorganized sector and want to 
stop their 80 crore family members from being starved to death, if you want to save our 60 crore mother-sisters, wives and 
daughters from being exploited in all possible ways under the incoming offensive black law of Manusmriti, if you want to 
stop  our  highly  qualified  graduates  and  post-graduates  children  from  polishing  the  shoes  and  washing  the  cars  of 
Brahmin-Bania's offspring, if you want to stop our more than 10 crore aboriginal indigenous tribals from being  disgracefully 
evacuated from their rightful ownership of the  forest land and scandalously fall prey to the bullets of the invader brahmin 
ruling castes behind  the deceitful smoke screen of Naxalism, if you want to stop the more than 15 crore  religiously 
converted minorities from being butchered by the inhumane, torturous and fundamentalist Brahminical militia and if you 
want to stop the more than 20 Crores of Ati-Shudras from being forcibly  driven out from their villages to leave in sub-human 
conditions with a 'Matka' to their neck and a 'Jhadu' tied to their back waist, we request all the  leaders of fragmented 
BAMCEF,  honest  and  missionary  cadres,  sincere  and  dedicated  activists  and  full  timers  those  who  have 
sacrificed practically everything for the cause of the BAMCEF's objective and who are now sitting hopelessly at 
home to come forward leaving all their personal or organizational grievances and misunderstandings aside and 
once again join hands to reunite and form a united, strong and powerful BAMCEF organization to counter the 
imminent  threat of counter revolution posed  by invader brahminical forces. Only we and we can pose a challenge 
to the counter revolution murderous program of vision 2020 of these invader Eurasian brahmins and ensure the freedom 
from slavery to our hundreds of coming generations.
Brothers and sister, there is a sole purpose behind this conference and that is to reunite the fragmented BAMCEF 
to counter the invading counter revolution of the brahminical forces in India and save our next generations from the 
onslaught of slavery. But those amongst us who are either ever ready the help the invader enemy caste against us or those 
who want to run their shops in the name of BAMCEF for their own selfish motives would oppose our honest endeavor with 
all their might. We will not be surprised to learn that some of the fragmented BAMCEF pieces may even go to the extent of 
sabotaging this programme by deliberately spreading fake rumors amongst the unmindful masses that this program is 
sponsored by Congress-BJP or either the RSS has given Crores of Rupees to the organizers for this program.  But with 
your missionary and  valuable help we will not fail to defeat the misadventures of  such unscrupulous elements and 
ultimately we will achieve success in reuniting BAMCEF to materialize the nationwide mass mobilization program of 
indigenous Mulnivasi Bahujans before 2018 to accomplish the ultimate BAMCEF objective of social revolution to counter 
the invading imminent threat of the Eurasian Brahmin's- vision 2020. 

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