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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fwd: Age Of Wonder Shadow Magic :The Birth of Chuck (by David J Spetch) 1 player blow you away scenario, created to enhance the game for the ultimate AOW in stragety and gameplay. (Likely the last scenario I will create before turning 40 Feb 1 / 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Jeffrey Spetch <beyond_ultimate@hotmail.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 2:01 AM
Subject: Age Of Wonder Shadow Magic :The Birth of Chuck (by David J Spetch) 1 player blow you away scenario, created to enhance the game for the ultimate AOW in stragety and gameplay. (Likely the last scenario I will create before turning 40 Feb 1 / 2011)
To: P0liticalF0rum <p0liticalf0rum@googlegroups.com>

Age Of Wonder Shadow Magic :The Birth of Chuck (by David J Spetch) 1
player blow you away scenario, created to enhance the game for the
ultimate AOW in stragety and gameplay. (Likely the last scenario I
will create before turning 40 Feb 1 / 2011)

look in files or click the link.


Welcome to Shadow Spetch "The Birth of Chuck" for Age of Wonders:
Shadow Magic

Once you have unzipped this file, copy and paste it into your age of
wonders scenario custom folder.

 The scenario's folder is depending on where you installed Age of
Wonders. It usually can be found in: C:\Program Files\AoWSM\Scenario

 I always liked this Age of Wonders but got sick of the slap jobs that
came with the game so I decided to take the game to a whole new level


 The Devourer's family showed up after the Devourer's big defeat and
dominated some of the local Wizards into being the Guardians of the
Shadow Gate to protect the Devourer's family as well provide
protection for the Broods of shadow units which now infest surface
towns / villages.

 Muck, the only existing Wizard who was not yet dominated since the
arrival of the Devourer's family knew she just couldn't beat this new
threat all on her own. She needed  another wizard to aid her but there
was no one here to help. Muck remembered an ancient scroll her great
grandfather used long ago and in using this scroll, your empire
dwindles. Muck knew she had too, it was her only hope which is now why
her Empire has dwindled. Muck conjured the Creation of a New Wizard
she named "Chuck" who came to life in a town among friends.

 You play as Chuck. Again Muck is very weak now, but one thing that
Muck has which is valued as an Ally is many magic spells you may
barter with her to get if Muck stays alive. Muck will not survive long
on her own, so you may want to find a way to keep her alive for your
own benefit.

 Down Middle Road near the center of the map you will find the Cave
that takes you to the Shadow gate.

 Northern Road leads you to Monsters cave where a great experienced
hero Sleeping Beauty awaits to have an enchantment broken in the Great
Hall of Magic Vaults. You will also find many usefull spells there.

 Joker's Road leads to a mighty experienced hero with a strong army
waiting to join you.

 Between Middle Road and Jokers road near by you will find Grubby's
Tower, the home of a top magical hero with a uniquely gifted prize

 Go for the gold up Blazing Furnace Road. Over a thousand gold waiting
to be collected for the brave willing to travel not very far.

I reccomend enabling Allied Victory before you begin.

 This scenario was created by me ...David Jeffrey Spetch, and I
created this with the intent to make Age Of Wonders as much fun, as
much of a great well paced action packed challenge with multi diverse
adventures for you the player to choose from that was ever created for
Age Of Wonders Shadow Magic and is now here for you to enjoy. If you
like my work you can find me / more of my work by typing my name in
google / yahoo etc. or even on you tube as DavidJSpetch.


/ David

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Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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