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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fwd: [untouchabilityeradicationfront] Fwd: Ambedhkar Movie

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dr. P Kuganantham <drkugan@yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: [untouchabilityeradicationfront] Fwd: Ambedhkar Movie
To: untouchabilityeradicationfront@yahoogroups.com, sakya <sakyagroup@yahoogroups.com>, "sakya.buddist" <BuddhistCircle@yahoogroups.com>, "sakya.us" <aim_usa@googlegroups.com>
Cc: Hamsadvani Anand <hamsadvani.k@gmail.com>


Dear Brother,
Greetings from Chennai.
Your efforts are wonderful.
we need to get the CD of the film from NFDC to circulate among our people.
This film should be screened not only for dalits but even the BCs and caste hindus who could then realize the injustice their forefathers committed to us which had put us in the bad shape even now inspite of unreaching reservations to the large majority of dalits;infact we are now subjected to modified form of intellectual untouchability by BCs and FCs.
Then we need to popularize about the film among our people and in Chennai we made propaganda at all our slums about the screening of the film through auto publicity.
we need to spread another message to all people that Dr.Ambedkar is not our leader alone but for all those who are oppressed. Let us not make narrow circle around the great leader by putting Dalit banner alone. He was the only leader to fight for women rights,working class and found the remedy for the uplift of untouchables when Gandhi or any other leader had no solutions but some lip sermons.
we shall take the rational thoughts to the minds of today's Dalit youth to see the radical changes in the lives of Dalits in future.
City Health Officer,Chennai
Hony.Chairman-Public Health Management Institute (PHMI),
Public Health Management Institute (PHMI), is supported by the  International Centre for Health and Human Advancement (ICHHA); PHMI initiates projects for promoting Public Health Leaders for Human Health Advancement to maximize the skills and the capacity of Public Health Leaders in Govt., Pvt., NGOs  in India along with Prevention and control of HIV/AIDS.

--- On Sat, 1/15/11, DALIT FRONT ESAKKI <ttnuef@gmail.com> wrote:

From: DALIT FRONT ESAKKI <ttnuef@gmail.com>
Subject: [untouchabilityeradicationfront] Fwd: Ambedhkar Movie [1 Attachment]
To: "untouchabilityeradicationfront" <untouchabilityeradicationfront@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 6:07 PM


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: MUTHUKUMARA SWAMY C <c.muthukumaraswamy@licindia.com>
Date: Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 4:33 PM
Subject: Ambedhkar Movie
To: SWAMINATHAN K <swaminathan.k@licindia.com>, "ttnuef@gmail.com" <ttnuef@gmail.com>, "mks1iceutvl@gmail.com" <mks1iceutvl@gmail.com>, SENTHIL KUMAR T <tsenthilkumar@licindia.com>


Dear Friends/comrades,


                 We are happy to inform that Dr.Baba Saheb Ambedkar movie was screened on Tirunelveli on 12th and 13th January 2011.  Very good efforts are taken by TNUEF and Progressive writers and Kalaingar forum to screen the above movie in Tirunelveli.  This movie has a Special message for both the Dalits and Non-Dalits.  Our (AIIEA) role in this regard is commendable.  From INSURANCE CORPORATION EMPLOYEES UNION (ICEU) Tirunelveli Division, we took a small effort to see atleast 400 insurance employees including General Insurance sector with their families and relatives.  There was an excellent response.


                   Also we have issued 100 tickets at free of cost in Dalit areas, Hostel to watch this film.  It is a long way to go even to take the life history of great personalities like Dr. Ambedkar among general public.  We have to tread in that path tirelessly. 




Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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