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A. Moussa <emfmoussa@gawab.com>Date: 2011/1/16
Subject: [bangla-vision] FW: Newslines Jan 15: Flood of Drone Strikes murdering innocents in their own land via remote control from a far land, how Washington runs Pakistan
To: "A. Moussa" <
Terrorists are attacking those who are defending their own land.
The irony is that they accuse them of terrorism!!!!!!!!!!!!
A. M.
From: Alex James
Sent: 15 يناير, 2011 07:50 م
To: Alex James
Subject: Newslines Jan 15: Flood of Drone Strikes murdering innocents in their own land via remote control from a far land, how Washington runs Pakistan
From: alex james [mailto:alexjamesnews3@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 8:56 PM
Subject: Newslines Jan 14: Church Senate Committee hearing: over 400 CIA operatives controlling US corporate media Mass media subversion is intentional...
From: alex james [mailto:alexjamesnews3@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2011 1:30 AM
Subject: Newslines Jan 13: Another Zionist False Flag exposed: Hindu holy man Aseemanand remanded in custody accused of string of bomb attacks previously propagandized to be work of Muslim militants
The Forgotten White Slaves Of America Mass media is Weapon of mass deception: time to turn to alternative media Israel's racist justice system | US's one-sided UK extradition treaty God-TV Christian Zionist Channel behind Israeli ethnic cleaners | If only Obama puts US first... Hindu holy man Aseemanand remanded in custody accused of a string of bomb attacks previously propagandized to be the work of Muslim militants. Jewish Canadian racists joining British racists in a Muslim-bashing affair Israel's assault on human rights, ongoing delegitimization of human rights, shutting down of groups and websites 30 minute cartoon video on the subject of the banksters' scam, Fraud of money, currency, mortgage foreclosures, etc. "The Fed Has Spoken: No Bailout for Main Street", but trillions for international banksters is ok...... Gov consists of self-interested lobbies and Wall Street looters. What's the difference between Nazi and Zionist war criminals? Gun control - the deadly lie so that you cannot defend yourself against criminals who are armed arizona shooter Jared Loughner (Jewish) has same defense attorney Judy Clarke as unibomber and timothy mcveigh, Az.Shooter and Giffords belonged to same Synagogue AHAVA Dead Sea Laboratories Ltd. products, illegally exploiting Palestinians with Ahava stolen land beauty products F Lee Bailey,claims he can prove O.J.Simpson innocent with evidence Not yet revealed Virginia Delegates Pass Bill That Bans Chip Implants as 'Mark of the Beast' Jesse Ventura's Videos on concentration camps police state that GOV is suppressing (Erasing from TiVo) Ron Paul 2012 wants Transparency and accountability for the Fed, CPAC 2011 Federal Judge John McCarthy Roll Assassinated in Gabrielle Giffords in Tucson, Arizona MarketWatch Paul Farrel predicts the next 10 years as Wall Street's super-rich spend billions to control Washington Deal with US to remove Jews before Soviets reach Auschwitz While Soviets enslave Poles, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Hungarians, Czechs, East-Germans, Kaminski: who leads in false flags, war-mongering, demonizing, robbing US to give to Israel, homosexuality, jailing people for researching truth, etc. etc.? Zionist hypocrisy on Holocaust | Zionist Radicals in US Congress Senator Max Baucus: Repealing health care reform would blow up the federal debt, increase taxes, jeopardize medicare, increase costs, decrease wages, ....... Barbra Lee: We Need to Convince Obama to Campaign Against War Sarah Palin lashes out against those who dared question her use of violent imagery by using more violent terminology Growing FDA tyranny MUST stop now! Welcome to the Battle of All Mothers - Vitamin Armageddon! Bernanke gave Trillions for international banksters, nothing for the broke states;Patriot Act, a Nazi law: Ex-CIA official CHEMTRAILS: The Planetary Population Protection & Atmospheric Air Purity Act proposal by anonymous (its not by congressman ron paul) Fear Itself - keeps the sheeple as shooting ducks for plucking by the Elite Masters |
 CONGRESS MUST HAVE THE SAME HEALTH CARE AS THE CITIZENS...THEY ARE NOT ABOVE THE PUBLIC U.S. ECONOMY IS NOT COLLAPSING, rather, debt-money-usury-fractional reserve counterfeit ponzi money system that is collapasing by Eric V. Encina Max Keiser Video: 'Burst banks flood world as banksters sell water to people', Zionist Crime Syndicate Ponzi Scheme Within A Ponzi Scheme Looting US making Israel the richest nation on earth Scientific American Finds U.S. Pig Farms May Be 'Flu Factories': Is a mutant pig flu virus about to emerge from American pig farms? "If Americans Knew" speaker Alison Weir speaking in San Diego, Santa Barbara & Philadelphia,exposing ZIONIST CRIMES US Gov to Europe: Give Monsnato GM Crops to Your People Or There Will be "Some Pain": Why GMOs will make Global Food Crisis worse, Health Hazards of GM Corn....... Arizona Shooter and Giffords Belonged To Same Synagogue China goes Green but US Congress sees red Make the Change You Want to See! March 5-7, 2011 - Washington, DC : SAY NO TO ZIONIST OCCUPATION OF PALESTINE Memo notes Giffords' Judaism in motives of alleged attacker (full article) Tucson ...Note from Michael Moore, facts about Sarah Palin and Rep Giffords, How can Palin get away with inciting violence? major anti-conspiracy hit piece appeared on official U.S. Gov website--proactive anti-conspiracy hit pieces Pentagon, Military Actively War Gaming Large Scale Economic Breakdown and Civil unrest Oh, It Was The John P. Wheeler III Who Was Involved In The Barksdale-Minot Incident Who Was Found In A Landfill! Illnesses linked to BP Oil Disaster - Sickness due to Toxic Chemicals 5200 Pentagon Employees PURCHASED Child Pornography! |
From: alex james [mailto:alexjamesnews3@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2011 10:06 PM
Subject: Newslines Jan 11: Alexandria Church Bombing : Mossad, Who Else - 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai - The American Way of Torture
Alexandria Church Bombing : Mossad, Who Else - 26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai - The American Way of Torture Trashed in Iraq: 'Look what they've done to us!';US ghost cash flushed down Afghan drain VIDEO Thirty Little-Known Facts About American law.... If Fraud Stops, Financial System Collapses/Permanent Debt Bondage from America's Student Loan Racket/An Emerging Bubble Alert. COURTS SAY BANK HOME FORECLOSURES UNLAWFUL: Foreclosure chaos in US after court voids banks' seizure of homes because of fraudulent lax mortgage paperwork Radio show on UK Police Forces and their power of Masonry with Gerry Coulter CHURCH BOMBING - MOSSAD BLAMED - EGYPT & SUDAN TO BE SPLIT;SPOOKS DESTABILISING EGYPT, IN PREPARATION FOR A COUP;26 11 CIA MOSSAD; US Award for stealing bomb-grade uranium for Israel;We will shake the ground under the Americans, if they some of the recent Zionist massacres Cheney/Rahms CIA/Mossad domestic assassination squad is out of control: Ashley Turton, Ex-Congressional Aide, Found Dead in Burning Car Arizona Shooter Jared Loughner is Jewish so mainstream media tries to pin blame on White Gentiles Cameron & the three US + three UK missing nuke deals - Dr. Kelly knew it, another reason he was murdered a la suicide Videos: Israeli Propaganda Big Lie exposed, Zionists are not the victims, rather, they are the agressors, invaders, genociders G.Edward Griffin's documentary on CHEMTRAILS Backup Communications System switched on for 'Exercise Mode' day before 9/11 attacks A week of racism in Israel, Israelis rallied in support of a religious edict forbidding Jews from selling or leasing homes or land to Arabs Some of the dangerous drugs FDA approved on the market US Campaign to End Israeli Occupation : Activists commemorate massacre, push back against injustices Don't let Tom Hurndall's heroism be forgotten - murdered by Zionist sniper as he tried to rescue children from Israeli gunfire The 1993 and 26/11 Bombay blasts are a well-kept Mossad secret ... 'secret societies & psychological warfare' by michael hoffman Ayn Rand, Israel & Greenspan (a must watch video) Israel demolishes historic Hotel Shepherd despite global opposition USRAel: Santa Cruz State University just dropped American Studies program and created Jewish Studies Program |
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