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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fwd: CC Issue 15, Jan - The Great Food Crisis Of 2011

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From: Countercurrents <editor@countercurrents.org>
Date: Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 2:06 AM
Subject: CC Issue 15, Jan - The Great Food Crisis Of 2011
To: palashbiswaskl@gmail.com

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In Solidarity
Binu Mathew

Tunisia Swears In Interim Leader As  The President Flees
The Country
By Aljazeera


Tunisia's speaker of parliament has temporarily assumed power in the country a day after president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali fled amid a mass uprising

Tonight We Are All Tunisians
By Yvonne Ridley


Now Tunisia is minus one dictator but it is still in a state of emergency. The next few days and weeks are going to be crucial for the Tunisian people who deserve freedom and liberty. My God, they've paid for it with their own blood and we must always remember their martyrs

Egyptian Regime Fears Mass Protests
By Johannes Stern


Discussion on the recent events in Tunisia can be heard in the streets of the Egyptian capital Cairo. In the course of demonstrations against the dictatorship of Ben Ali dozens of predominately young Tunisians have been killed by the Tunisian police and army. Anger over the brutality of the Ben Ali regime is widespread in the Egyptian capital

Tunisia: A Moment Of Destiny For
The Tunisian People And Beyond?
By Dyab Abou Jahjah


The effect of this is even being felt on the streets of Algeria where thousands of youth, who were copying the demands of "the Tunisian Intifada" as people are calling it now, clashed with police. Across the Arab world, peoples are experiencing hope, and the regimes are afraid: all the Arab people and all the Arab regimes

Lawyer Protests Brutal Treatment Of  Bradley Manning
By Tom Eley


The lawyer representing Army Private Bradley Manning, who is accused of turning over classified military and diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks, has demanded a mitigation of the harsh conditions under which he is being held at a military prison or his outright release from custody

How Is Bradley Manning Really Being Treated?
By David Swanson


If you are as concerned about Bradley Manning's condition as he is about his jailers', you can join in a demonstration outside the brig where he is held on Monday, Martin Luther King Day, January 17th in Quantico, Va. Our demand will be a simple one: Free Bradley Manning!

The War On WikiLeaks
By John Pilger


A John Pilger investigation and interview with Julian Assange

Wikileaks Will Change Nothing In Iraq
By Fadel Al-Nashmi


Shortly before publishing the secret documents, Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, said they would change the world. So far, there is little evidence they are changing anything in Iraq

BRIC Becomes BRICS: Changes
On The Geopolitical Chessboard
By Jack A. Smith


The world's four main emerging economic powers, known by the acronym BRIC — standing for Brazil, Russia, India and China — now refer to themselves as BRICS. The capital "S" in BRICS stands for South Africa, which formally joined the four on Dec. 24, bringing Africa into this important organization of rising global powers from Asia, Latin America and Europe. President Jacob Zuma is expected to attend the BRICS April meeting in Beijing as a full member

If Bishop Desmond Tutu Is An Anti-Semite
What Hope For The Rest Of Us?
By Imran Garda


When the head of the South African Zionist Federation, David Hersch, initiates an online petition against "The Arch", demanding he be removed as patron of the Holocaust memorial centres in Cape Town and Johannesburg for his "anti-Israel behaviour" and labels his criticism of the policies, (yes, policies) of the state of Israel "morally repugnant" based on "horrific and grotesquely false accusation against the Jewish people", it's pertinent to provide a brief reminder to Hersch, and anyone who might be swayed, of the man's credentials

Israeli Bulldozers Do The Talking
By Khaled Amayreh


Despite prior condemnations, Israel is pressing ahead with demolitions as it continues to colonise East Jerusalem and the West Bank, writes Khaled Amayreh

Netanyahu's Government: Israel's Worst Ever
By Stephen Lendman


They, Palestinians, and all exploited people deserve better, but wishing won't make it so. Bare-knuckled activism is needed, restoring democratic values Israel won't tolerate, at the same time exposing its lawlessness and status as a world class terror state, preying on vulnerable Arabs on false national security grounds

The Great Food Crisis Of 2011
By Lester R. Brown


The current surge in world grain and soybean prices, and in food prices more broadly, is not a temporary phenomenon. We can no longer expect that things will soon return to normal, because in a world with a rapidly changing climate system there is no norm to return to

CEN, Climate Change, Queensland Floods:
Stop Burning Fossil Fuels ASAP
By Dr Gideon Polya


Because of weather variability cannot attribute any specific weather event to climate change. However the successive events of burning fossil fuels, increased atmospheric greenhouse gases, increased sea temperature, increased evaporation, increased precipitation and floods simply mean stop burning fossil fuels ASAP as urged by the Climate Emergency Network (CEN)

The Climate Of Hate – Arizona Shooting
By Habib Siddiqui


The sad fact is unless American public is serious about reining in its addiction to gun, war and violence, the horror prompted by the attack in Tucson last week will pass, the outrage will fade, and the murders will continue. It'll be all over again with new targets, and new Columbine and new Tucson killing fields!

America Replicating Japan
By Stephen Lendman


"What's the difference between General Motors and California," or Chicago, New York or Los Angeles? Unlike GM, they haven't gone bankrupt so far, nor have they defaulted on their pension obligations. Given today's crisis, with troubled communities across America faltering, anything is possible anywhere anytime

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Palash Biswas
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