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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fwd: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Nepal: 2 article including UCPN(M): Constitution of the People's Federal Republic of Nepal (draft English translation)

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From: <MAOIST_REVOLUTION@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 1:52 AM
Subject: [** MAOIST_REVOLUTION **] Nepal: 2 article including UCPN(M): Constitution of the People's Federal Republic of Nepal (draft English translation)
To: MAOIST_REVOLUTION@yahoogroups.com


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Some research issues in contemporary revolutionary movements: the context of Nepal

by Mukti Nepal

The context of Nepal :

Nepali revolutionary movement has been widely accepted as an exemplary movement in the application of Marxism today. It has passed through decades-long educational/preparatory/nonviolent movement and recently through a decade-long violent movement. For the last five years, since the communist party of Nepal (Maoist) entered a Peace Deal (confinement and dismantle of the revolutionary army and participation in the mainstream politics through the promulgation of a new constitution and through the abolition of monarchy) in the mediation of the United Nations and the government of India, the movement looks to have become relatively stagnant.
During this peace period, the CPNM has tried to bring political economic changes through a top-down approach. During this period, CPNM established itself as the largest ruling party in the country, ran the government for less than a year and voluntarily got out of the government owing to the issue of insubordination by the old monarchy-oriented army. The government led by this party was able to remain free from corruption charges and was able to bring minor but pro-people changes in the education and health sector and to give a significant relief to some farming population (freed from the outstanding bank loans, for an example). It was not, however, able to institutionalize structural changes nor was able to make people feel significant changes in the economic life. It was largely also not able to withstand the pressure from the opposition to return the properties (the land and houses) seized during the violent Peoples' War, nor was able to even keep its grassroots parallel government structures established during the violent War. On the other hand, it appears to be able to save part of its militia in the form an organization called the Young Communist League. However, be it in tactical terms, the party does not seem to be able to defend the legitimacy of the violent War in the official papers or peace agreements and examples exist to blame the party leadership not to be adhering to some traditional concepts and jargons of Marxism Leninism Maoism. This non-adherence has been reflected in various speeches, writings and even in the draft constitution submitted to the constituent assembly by the party. The party is claiming to establish a new model of revolution.
Currently, the country has failed to promulgate a "legitimate" constitution. The fact that many reformist and the reactionary parties in the parliament have opposed even simple issues (that serve the interest of the national bourgeois and the mid class) proposed by the CPNM in their draft constitution submitted to the constituent assembly shows the country will fail to promulgate any progressive constitution in the stipulated time. The revolutionary image of the CPNM has deteriorated and the CPNM is gradually being sidelined by the opposition. Ordinary people have great difficulties in making a living and are seeking for revolutionary changes in the economic life. The party cadre at large is striving for a revolutionary path to respond to the need of the people and the party and is putting huge pressure on party leadership. The party leadership has responded to this pressure by organizing nationwide party conferences in Balaju in 2006, in Kharipati in 2008 and in Palungtar in 2010. In all these conferences, a great majority of higher level cadres of the party is reported to be urging for a revolutionary path and a revolutionary capture of the central state power.  This way, the party as a whole, is struggling between its characteristic existence, revolutionary mission and tactics of capturing the central state power. The convergent end of revolutionary seizure of the central state power has consistently faced divergent opinions in the leadership about the means—whether top-down or bottom-up approach to gain the control over the state power or if a mixture, in what proportions; whether violent or nonviolent, what economic programs, etc, etc.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

UCPN(M): Constitution of the People's Federal Republic of Nepal (draft English translation)

Now available in a draft English translation: the Constitution of the People's Federal Republic of Nepal as proposed by the United Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist).

Nepal News described the constitution when it was originally released in 2009:

Maoists unveil their proposed constitution for federal Nepal

Dr Baburam Bhattarai, who heads a committee formed by his party, Unified CPN (Maoist), for determining the party's vision on democracy has unveiled the party's draft proposal through his personal website.

The Maoists' draft maintains liberal stance on fundamental rights of the people such as freedom of expression, right to form political parties, right to assembly, among others. The draft divided into 21 parts and 145 articles authorises the state governments to form paramilitary force or militia but the national army would be formed after integration between the People's Liberation Army and Nepal Army.

The party has proposed an Audit Commission as the highest auditing body of the country in place of the Office of the Auditor General. The Women's Commission and Dalit Commission as the constitutional bodies of the country have been removed and three new commissions have been proposed – inclusion commission, development commission and inter-state relation commission.

The party has proposed a three-tier judiciary- Supreme Court, State Court and local courts. Besides, a separate constitutional court has been proposed to look into disputes on constitutional issues.

According to the draft, executive power of the government should rest with the President while daily administration should be run by the prime minister and council of ministers. Three assemblies have been proposed – 75 member national assembly and 245 member house of federal representatives. The 13 states proposed by the party will have 25 to 35-member state assemblies. All representatives will be elected through mixed election system.

The Maoist party in the proposed constitution has accepted most democratic values such as human rights, press freedom, periodic elections, rule of law, multi party system, supremacy of judiciary etc.


Red Star - Nepal

Unified Communist Party Of Nepal (Maoist)

Nepalese Solidarity Forum, Switzerland

Lal Salaam Canada Nepal Solidarity Group

Philippine Revolution

Revolution in South Asia - USA

REVOLUTION http://www.rwor.org
Ceylon Communist Party (Maoist)

Indian Revolution
* Communist Party of India (MAOIST)

Indian Vanguard - blog

World People's Resistance Movement (Britain)
E-mail: wprm_britain@yahoo.co.uk
Web: http://www.wprmbritain.org
http://www.pcr-rcp.ca ENGLISH
http://www.pcr-rcp.ca/fr/ FRENCH (Français)


Italian section:
Maoist Communist Party Of Italy
http://www.prolcom.altervista.org and

Guerre Popolari (People's War)

Maoist Communist Party of Italy led - Red Block Youth blog

Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung

http://www.sarbedaran.org/ Farsi
http://www.sarbedaran.org/language/index.htm  English

Communist(Maoist)Party of Afghanistan (English)

A World To Win AND R.I.M.

Palash Biswas
Pl Read:

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